chapter 11 Heroics and villainy

(sorry for not uploading, had an exam and needed to prepare... in only two days (slacker tendencies))

"It's fine now, why? Because I am here"

All Might's voice rang out, his foot stepping on the head of the Nomu preventing it from standing up, looking towards the door there was now a big hole in it, standing there were the teachers of UA without missing a beat they began to fight the rest of the villains.

Snipe shot multiple villains who were rushing them, he even hit Tomura Shigaraki's shoulder, Midnight waved her fans putting villains to sleep, and Vlad fought using blood weapons wrecking havoc in the villain's formation.

"What is this...? Master said you would be weakened, you're even stronger that's cheating!" Tomura screamed while holding onto his bleeding shoulder, his neck was itching like crazy but he could scratch it

"Nomu kill him! NOW!" Tomura ordered, causing the Nomu to struggle under All Might's weight, screeching in a high pitch it suddenly pushed itself up, surprising even All Might, and before he could react a black fist was swung into his face, quickly moving his head to the side dodging the blow All Might used this opportunity to swing his fist into the Nomu's stomach flinging past the stairway creating distance from the students so he can fight all out.

before the Numo even hit the ground, All Might jumped and started barraging the Numo with punches sticking the Nomu into the ground with each punch, however for some reason All Might's punches couldn't seem to damage the skin of the Nomu

"I'ts no use All Might, he can absorb shock and never take damage unless you hit him thousands of times" Tomura cackled seemingly ignoring the massacre that the heroes were doing to the villains he brought, only focused on All Might

"Thank you for telling me what to do" All Might replied cheekily before starting to barrage the Nomu even faster, he started to put scratches on the Nomu's skin it was only a matter of time before the fight was finished...


"Kurogiri... All Might Is winning, it's already game over..." Tomura said with obvious malice

"Young master, I suggest we leave quickly before we get captured, the heroes are preoccupied with capturing the small fry" Kurogiri suggested looking at the quickly dwindling number of villains standing

"Preoccupied? Yes, kekeke were leaving Kurogiri" Tomura listened to Kurogiri's suggestion with a self-deprecating laugh.

walking through the warp gate Tomura quickly collapsed onto the bar island, his shoulder was bleeding more profusely than expected.

"Master, you lied to me... you said All Might was supposed to be weaker" Tomura said with his face glued to the wooden table, awaiting a response.

"It is indeed true, he was stronger than expected" Suddenly the TV inside the hidden bar switched to a calm voice, his tone still menacing

"But it's more that we severely underestimated him, the Nomu was also very incomplete, perhaps when we perfect the Nomu we'll be able to destroy the symbol of peace... piece by piece... Kekeke" The "mysterious" voice continued and started laughing, Tomura only clenched his fists in anger and humiliation, a damn kid ruined his plan

"On another note, was there anything interesting that happened? Except All Might being stronger of course," the voice asked, causing Kurogiri to spring into action and start explaining 

"There was a kid with an interesting quirk, it appears he had naturally developed the "warp gate" quirk," Kurogiri said, causing the voice to go silent out of surprise.

"A natural warp gate quirk you say?" the voice seemed intrigued.

"It appears to be an even better warp gate, it has high combat ability as his quirk could not also teleport things around but also destroy them" Kurogiri reported, feeling slightly displeased that someone has gotten a better quirk even after all the torture he's been through

"Well, we better keep an eye on that child, perhaps I could "burrow" that quirk for later use," The voice said, not hiding his intention before leaving, making the TV return to its normal broadcast.


"dammit they left already" Finally noticing that Tomura was gone, I felt kinda bad, I was so engrossed with the Nomu vs All Might fight that I didn't notice them leaving, well so did the other students but overall everything was close to cannon, well I feel bad calling Aizawa's injury a cannon event but still.

exiting the USJ building (All Might already dealt with the Nomu) we were questioned by Tsukauchi about what happened, I was careful not to reveal anything important accidentally, or to arouse suspicion... wait why would I even be suspicious?

"Are you listening?"

"Oh right," remembering I was still in the middle of a conversation I stopped thinking too much

"We believe that the media breaking into UA might've been a prelude to this situation, now I was told that Nezu used your help during the media break-in, is that correct," Tsukuchi asks looking at his clipboard with witness reports I guess... 

"Well I wasn't that involved, Nezu just asked to dispose of rubble because my quirk is good at destroying things" I responded obviously telling the truth, I'd rather not get too involved in this villain plot but I guess so was Midoyia and he instead got balls deep instead

"Well that's another point, I heard you used your quirk to assist the heroes, although you already have a count of illegal quirk use, we don't need to include this in the report, so you shouldn't worry" Phew I thought my criminal record might become even bigger, at least they aren't stingy with their rules.

soon after we were released to head back, I came back home to a frozen home... I wonder who could've frozen our whole house... looking at the lawn, most of the grass was half frozen on it my father sat with a hazy gaze looking around I found my mother throwing a tantrum, I got used to her shenanigans.

"Fighting villains? Are you crazy? Baka dumbass stupid idiot" 

"Yeah yeah, thanks Mom, at least I'm safe right?" trying to play this whole situation off, I might've acted too nonchalant as my mother's eyes ignited into fire

"At least you're safe? you went to fight villains and almost got yourself killed! did you see what happened to Eraserface? he's basically disfigured. if it were you, you'd have to live with an ugly face. how will you find a husband?" Goddammit, my mom is still making these jokes. even in the most serious situations, she will still hit my sore spots

"Anyway Mom, return our house back to normal. I don't want to live in an igloo, and father is having an existential crisis" Looking back to my father who still hasn't moved... he probably had some important work that got frozen.


*UA infirmary*

inside a medical room, two people were resting, their bodies were wrapped in bandages. Toshinori looked at the ceiling contemplating the last fight, the Nomu proved to be much more of a problem than he expected, looking to his right he saw Midoriya lying on the medical bed, his arm and leg were bandaged and his gym uniform was in tatters. Toshinori sighed to himself, soon after the infirmary's door opened, and entered an old woman, her name was Chyio Shuzenji.

"What are you brooding about Toshi," asks Chyio, she came in to check up on the two of them, she knew that Midoriya was important to Toshinori so she didn't separate their rooms

"I might've overexerted myself, I certainly reduced my time in the hero form," Toshinori said with a complex expression, Midoriya who was resting next to him opened his eyes wide in a look of surprise. "all might..." he said with a whispering voice

"Well, it can't be helped. I knew at some point I would face an opponent that would take much out of me" Toshinori said while pretending that it was okay, sitting up in his bed he looked towards Chiyo but before any of them could say anything the door opened.

"It has been a while Toshinori" Tsukauchi put his hat towards his chest and bowed, Midoriya started panicking thinking that Tsukauchi didn't know about All Might's secret, but Toshinori seeing Midoriya's expression explained. "This is Naomasa Tsukauchi, we used to work together, he was my best friend in the force" Toshinori introduced him to Midoriya who visibly calmed down.

"nice to meet you Midoriya, ahem Toshinori i need a little bit of information about the villains" Tsukauchi cut to the chase

"First of all are all the students okay? what about Eraserhead or Thirteen?" Toshinori asked with clear concern before he answered Tsukauchi's question

"They are all doing fine, except Midoriya here most of the students only got minor injuries, Eraserhead is still in the ER undergoing some operations" Tsukauchi replied, as he knew Toshinori usually was concerned more about other people than he was himself.

"That's a relief, I saw those students fighting the villains by themselves, they were braver than most, they are truly deserving of the name "the golden generation".. ah right, the League of Villains-"


After the USJ incident, UA has been under a lot of fire from the media. UA announced the incident, and many news articles on my phone would be about how "UA let students fight villains blah blah blah" and to be honest my days have gotten at least a little less boring.

getting ready to leave class after the day ended I was suddenly interrupted by Momo.

"um, Rimuru because of the incident we will be getting a few more days off, so our class decided to go together to have some fun. will you be willing to join?" she asks me with a serious expression, although I don't really like going out to places with a large crowd, I think this might be the whole "slice of life" break before something else big happens.

"uh... sure, what have you decided on doing?" I was curious as to what would they be doing, as I remember the episode where they went into a mall only to have Midoriya held hostage...

"oh.... we haven't decided yet"


"Well you could help us decide," Momo said with a smile, I didn't know why she would invite everyone to enjoy the small break with literally no plans

"We decided on going to my house, and start planning from there." Momo continued, knowing how rich Momo was I instantly agreed... getting weird looks from some of the students.

"Your face makes me think you have other nefarious reasons to go there" Jiro commented, Shoto who was subtly listening nodded to himself, wiping the smirk off my face I quickly retorted,

"Well, how about we instead head to your house and you'd teach us music" Realizing I was not making my situation any better I tried to mend it. hearing my words Jiro's face flushed, she was very shy about her hobbies, and my announcing it made her embarrassed.

"Well you keep flirting, meanwhile we should decide where we should go, I was thinking about going to the karaoke" Denki suggested. his suggestion isn't so bad but

"Is there a karaoke with enough space for 20 people?" Mina asked with curiosity, jumping around. She definitely liked this suggestion

"I know a place" replied Asui, with her... froggy expression, I didn't expect Asui to know a karaoke place as she seems like the quiet type

"You go to karaoke Asui?" I asked skeptically

"Call me Tsuyu, and yes I would always go to karaoke with my brothers and sisters when our parents are busy" Asui- Tsuyu replied making Mina ask her

"Are your brother and sisters cute like you?" her eccentric personality shining, being able to make friends with everybody


"We should leave the planning when we go to my house, for now, let's go home. let's not make our parents worry" Momo clapped quickly ending the conversation,

We quickly scattered returning to our homes, I walked with Tokoyami to the arcade... a different one

"So are you going to the gathering?" I asked Tokoyami, although his edgy personality he was quite fun to be around

"The only gathering I will attend is the dark gathering of the abyss"



"Mr. Nezu, I suggest canceling the sports festival, there could be another villain attack"

"We can't, instead we should change some things, increase security. the country is unstable because of this attack, the sports festival should calm them down..."

Sipping on his tea Nezu rejected All Might's request, although he knew the sports festival could be attacked, taking the risk could stabilize the country, and fix their recent mistakes.

"Ah, right All Might, do you remember the request you gave me? about choosing a successor. We have already found 3 students you could choose, the top 3 from the hero course are your best candidates to succeed you" Nezu remembered why All Might wanted to teach at UA, naturally he would help All Might choose a successor

"Ah... right umm so about that..." All Might started to sweat, he couldn't tell Nezu that he had already found a successor...

"Hmmm by your face it tells me you already found one.... is it Rimuru? you got involved with him quite a while ago... or is it Midoriya? you seem to give him a bit of favoritism" Nezu quickly analyzed with his high intelligence, making Toshinori sweat even more

"Yes.. so"

"No we wont be helping Midoriya in the sports festival, that's favoritism. we also cant make the events easier for him" Nezu quickly denied All Might, already knowing what he wanted to say...

"It going to take a lot of time to replan the events already, so lets start the teacher's meeting"


(I would probably make the next chapter or two into a slice of life, and then ill start doing the whole sports festival stuff, ill probably also change some stuff (like the cavalry. it was lame af) but I'm not very good at improvising...