UA sports festival VII

A/N: I might completely butcher this chapter, but anyway here we go


Looking at the arena, specifically at Bakugo I prepared myself to do something, while I knew I couldn't physically interfere in the fight I had to hurry along as if Bakugo continued to torture Uraraka he might be labeled as a villain, well he kind of deserves it...

Breathing in and out I prepared to do the thing I feared the most, Public speaking. I absolutely hated being in the spotlight but now that I got reincarnated I have to expect fate to throw me into situations I can't avoid in the shadows.

"OI BAKUGO! finish the damn fight already! you could've won 5 minutes ago!" I shouted with all my might, causing the booing crowd to silence... oh god I can feel their gazes

"Huh? Who are you to tell me what to do?" Bakugo immediately answered, clearly irritated as he was interrupted from his 'fight' with+ Uraraka

"Are you going to waste all of our time? At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if you were labeled as a villain instead of a future hero!"

"HUH? What did you just call me?" Bakugo started to get more and more irritated,

"I'm calling you a villain because there is nothing heroic about what you're doing" 

"Why should I care about what the extras think? I will surpass All Might and be the strongest hero there is!"

"That's quite the statement coming from someone who only beats up small fry. Finish this damn fight already so that I can knock some sense into that empty head of yours spikey-head" I shouted and turned around, walking away for dramatic effect, with my classmates behind me being frozen from shock.


Seeing that girly-face's smug smile made my blood boil, he interrupted the fight for reason, going too far. why should I care what they think, once I'm the number 1 hero they wouldn't be able to do anything.

"Tsk" I clicked my tongue, looking at Ururaka on the ground. I grabbed her leg and dragged her to the edge of the arena, throwing her out of it and stormed out

"uhm- Katsuki Bakugo is the winner!" I heard Ms. Midnight's voice, but no cheering or even booing... since when did care about random extras

I'm gonna kick that girly-face's face and show him that I'm the strongest no matter what... 

He'll regret acting so smugly once I mess his face up...


Sitting inside the bathroom stall my back was full of cold sweat, good thing i left early or my nerves might've snapped.

"Why did I challenge him? am I stupid dammit" Gritting my teeth I put my forearm on my eyes and started to think about my next strategy, I'll most likely have to go all out against Bakugo, while I already managed to beat him we are both much stronger than before.


Making my way back to the stands I was getting ready to watch the fight between Midoriya VS Todoroki. Taking my seat back next to Tokoyami and Jiro I can feel the murderous gaze from Bakugo, good thing Midoriya is holding him back with his Talk-No-Jutsu

"That was quite bold of your Rimuru, and unexpected" Tokoyami commented as I took my seat.

"What do you mean 'unexpected'? do I think I would let my classmate be beaten up by a mad dog?" I said rolling my eyes

"Y-YOU BASTAR-" Bakugo again snapped as he was held by the arms of Kirishima and Midoriya. his hands started emitting explosions,

"That- that was ver-y H-heroic..? I'm starting to question whether you are an asshole or a good guy" Jiro commented while looking conflicted

"Let's not get to questioning the morality of man, we have to watch two prepubescent teens fight until one of them is unable to fight!"

"Yeah nevermind you are an asshole" Jiro huffed with annoyance

And so the fight between Midoriya and Todoroki started, and as per usual Todoroki just launched ice left and right while Midoriya defended by breaking his fingers sending winds everywhere.

Honestly, both of them could be the perfect Air conditioners, Todorki creating ice and fire and Midoriya blowing it everywhere... 

Anyway, Midoriya and Shoto had their 'It's your power' shtick and he started to use fire, which he used to wipe the floor with Midoriya thus ending the fight.

And because most of the earlier fights were very anticlimactic the round got a lot of cheers from the audience, even Present Mic and Eraserhead started to sound more enthusiastic.

And thus came another Anticlimactic fight being Asui Tsuyu VS Ibrara Shiozaki, which ended with Asui's loss, I wouldn't expect a frog to win against that vine monster anyway...

As soon as the fight ended I looked to the side and saw Tokoyami also looking at me, I nodded and so did he.

"It looks like we're fighting next round," I said

"Good luck Rimuru lets have a good match," He said sounding all noble and fancy

"I'm gonna wipe the floor with you" I gave a cheeky smile

"You can't even beat me in 'Super Hero's Brawl', how do you expect to win now?" He retorted, Igniting terrible memories of having my ass beaten when he fought as 'Hawks'

"SH-Shut up! Let go" I quickly stood up and made my way to the arena where i'll kick that bird around


[And the fight we have today is Rimuru Tempest VS Fumikage Tokoyami! The daredevil vs. the dark crow! let's go!]

I stood in front of Tokoyami with Ms.Midnight in between us, Tokoyami released Dark Shadow making him go into a stance, I prepared to use [Beelzbub]

"Are the two of you ready?"

"yes!' X2

"then FIGHT!" Ms.Midnight announced as we both started to run at each other, Dark Shadow started attacking preemptively making me need to dodge, I started by whipping [Beelzbub] around making it hard for Tokoyami to stay still.

"Get ready birdbrains here I come!" I sank into my subspace trying to get an ambush on Tokoyami

Exiting the Subspace right behind Tokoyami I immediately went for a punch only to be met with a kick from Tokoyami, dodging back I was initially surprised but then I realized I always train with Tokoyami so he probably knew my moves.

"Don't try those tricks on me Rimuru!" Tokoyami shouted bringing Dark Shadow back for another attack, this time both Tokoyami and Dark Shadow went together for a pincer attack, While Dark Shadow is significantly stronger than Tokoyami they are both much stronger than expected.

Not taking any chances I emitted a smokescreen, hiding my movements as I went for a more hidden approach, I had to save my energy because in my next fight against Todorki or Bakugo I would need to be in my top shape.

"That was kind of stupid Rimuru" I heard Tokoyami's voice, this time it sounded more menacing than before

"You forgot that my Dark Shadow becomes stronger in darkness" He continued, making me realize my blunder, I quickly dodged back as a big dark hand reached out to me.

Looking around the fog I looked around trying to spot Tokoyami in the mist, but it was hard to see. Then it struck me, Instead of trying to See Tokoyami I tried to feel Tokoyami. Closing my eyes I tried to feel what was around me using the smoke.

Much like echolocations I started to feel the general shape of my surroundings, right in front of me stood a blurry silhouette. I quickly opened my eyes and tried to strike at the general feeling, but Tokoyami quickly dodged and counterattacked with Dark Shadow, because he was ethereal I couldn't feel him, but because he still blew air around I could react to him before the attack connects.

Still conserving my energy I tried to waste as little stamina as possible, slowly manipulating the smoke I tried to make it converge towards Tokoyami and trap him.

after managing to blind Tokoyami I quickly sprinted toward him and grabbed him by the arm, dragging him to the edge of the arena, meanwhile, Dark Shadow was flailing around trying his best to hit me without hurting Tokoyami. Fortunately, Tokoyami can't see using Dark Shadow.

Grabbing Tokoyami by the sleeve I swiftly used my leg to trip him and flip him over my shoulder outside of the arena

Landing roughly on the ground Tokoyami lost the round


"And the winner is Rimuru Tempest! he will be moving onto the next round!" Ms. Midnight announced causing the audience to cheer, although it was hard to tell what was going on with all the smoke everywhere, the replays showed the fight more closely.

"It appears that I lost, good job" Tokoyami congratulated me as he lay flat on the ground.

"Come on, you almost didn't completely fail" I laughed while grabbing his hand and helping him stand.

"Tsk... It was a good fight nonetheless" Tokoyami muttered while dusting off his trousers 


"What do you think of his performance" Nezu asked sipping on his tea while watching the broadcast.

"The young heroes have improved so much, although some need some more help than others" All Might commented looking at the past fight

"I agree, Some have improved substantially but they need to resolve some of their 'complicated personality problems'" Nezu agreed

"But some are bolder than others," All Might said earning Nezu's manic laughter

"That is true, but I have to agree with Rimuru, Bakugo needs some problems to resolve."

"What do you think of young Midoriya?" All Might asked looking at the replays of the fight of MIdoriya Vs Todoroki

"Well, he's a complicated case, he easily hurts himself just to try to win, and most agencies won't pick him because of his quirk," Nezu said honestly

"I figured so" All Might sighed 

'Young Midoriya, master your power quickly so you can stand proudly with your peers'

All Might sipped some of the tea Nezu gave him

"huh- it's quite delicious"

"I brewed it myself, It has a unique taste right?" Nezu glanced at All Might

"Right, it's pleasant.."


A/N: I'm not very confident about this chapter, but hey I need to try something new every now and then... comment what you think and provide me with your powerstones if you think it was good!

My grubby fingers are lusting for some powerstones hehehehe