Thicket of MudMonsters


Pixie-Bob distanced herself from Rimuru before touching the ground, in an instant the entire cliff the class was standing on melted like it was made of mud, causing them to fall to the thicket below


The entire class was surprised from the sudden fall before landing safely on the ground, all of a sudden a voice was heard in their ears

"On the other side of the forest is where you will be staying, make your way there. You have a couple of hours before dinner is served. Good luck"

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Mina turned towards the dark forest but she was grabbed by the collar

"Hold on Mina," Rimuru pointed at the treeline

"There's probably a catch to this, just go through the forest? It's too easy..."

The rest of the class nodded before agreeing to stick together in case anything comes after them

"Why bother walking through the forest, I'm gonna fly." Bakugo floated with his explosion before turning around and exclaiming

"Last person to reach the other side is an EXTRA!" Before flying above the forest

"... Oh your on..." Rimuru smiled as his shirt was suddenly stretched before wings sprouted on his back, ripping away the shirt. Not that it mattered, it was already small for him as he finally grew out of the 1.6 meter height.

Instantly accelerating Rimuru blasted the air from flying at supersonic speeds, following Bakugo as sonic booms sounded in the sky


"Let's not waste any time! Let's go!" Midoriya ran into the thicket as the rest of the class followed, weaving between trees Midoriya was forced to slow down so he wont smack into the them

"Ahhh!! Mo-mo-monster!" Midoriya instantly dashed back as a shadow loomed over him

At a towering height a gigantic creature stared at the class. Like an amalgamation of animals it's feet were thick like an elephants and it's body was muscular as a horse. It's head was that of a dragon with thick goat horns twisting around its ears

It's tail was long and thick ending in a spiked club like that one dinasour I forgot the name of.


It's monstrous roar made the entire class freeze in place, but they quickly regained their calm. Midoriya stared at the monster before electricity started flowing around him, he leaped at the monster while clenching his fist


Midoriya smashed the monster getting it preg- hitting it on the side causing it to lose its balance, seeing the opportunity Shoto waved his hand making glaciers wrap around the monster not letting it land on its feet.


The monster struggled profusely before swinging it's tail felling trees with ease, luckily none of them flattened any students as Kirishima blocked one from crashing into Yaomomo, Jiro and Hagakure.

"SMASH!" Midoriya hit the monster with both hands on the neck, making it twist in an unnatural angle. With a pathetic growl the monster started melting like mud.


"Bastard! Stop following me!" Bakugo was in a pinch, Rimuru caught up to him almost immediately and with almost no effort! Bakugo was starting to get tired as he couldn't fly for long periods of time as the explosion hurt his arms.

"Me following you? How could you say such a thing!' Rimuru put his hands on his cheeks with a 'surprised' expression, with a flap of his wings he soed upnand was now in front of Bakugo

"It's quite obvious you are following me!" Rimuru pouted making Bakugo grit his teeth, sweat trickled down his forehead.

"Yawn I'm getting tired" without warning Rimuru retracted his wings and started to freefall, and with surprising precision he landed on Bakugo's back!

"B-Bastard what are you doing!" Bakugo's lips bled from biting his lips too hard, with the added load of Rimuru, Bakugo had almost no energy left

"If I fits, I sits" Rimuru answered simply while staring at the scenery. But he quickly clapped his wings as soon as he felt Bakugos altitude dropping

"You bastard I'll kill you!" Bakugo stared up at Rimuru as he started falling

"Make sure you survive the fall first" Rimuru waved his hand as he watched Bakugo disappear into the sea of trees accompanied by the sounds of branches snapping and a loud this

"I hope he survives... He has plot armour I shouldn't worry" Rimuru continued towards the edge of the forest.


"Bakugo just fell," The green haired WWPC (wild wild pussycat) named RagDoll said while looking through a technological pair of glasses, Her large eyes and tiny pupils scanned through the trees as if she could see through them.

"Is he alright?" Maladay asked while crossing her arms, she didn't expect Bakugo to last long anyway

"Yeah... It's seems Rimuru messed with his flight" RagDoll blinked a couple of times before answering

"Tsk" Pixie-Bob clicked her tongue in annoyance. Her hands were on the ground as it waved around like water, before forming into tiny MudMonsters, as they walked into the treeline they grew bigger and bigger before disappearing.

"Should I send a flying monster at him?" Pixie-Bob's blood boiled thinking about how Rimuru called her an old hag!

"Focus on the rest of the class first. They already beat 5 monsters" RagDoll continued to stare into space as Aizawa, who wasn't doing anything sighed, he was already missing his favourite sleeping bag.


"So all you want me to do is run around and kill some kids?" A tall mascular blonde man stared at the villain in front of him, of course he was [muscular] a villain who murdered multiple heroes for no appearing reason.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll put up a challenge. They're UA kids after all" the other man obviously being Tomura Shigaraki shrugged his shoulders before reaching into his pocket and pulling out 3 crumpled up photos

"If you see those two, target them first. Kill them as soon as you see them" Tomura pointed at the photos showing Rimuru and Midoriya.

"What about the third one" Muscular pointed at the third photo showing Bakugo

"Try and capture him, he might be useful for us" Tomura smiled behind the hand covering is face like a mask

"Tsk, don't order me around" Muscular ripped the photos before putting them in his mouth as an intimidation attempt


"So he was the last one?" Dabi stared at Tomura as he exited the portal, leaning on the bar island he played with an ember floating above his hand.

"Remember, we attack in 2 days. you remember the plan right?" Tomura stared at Dabi as he nodded before spotting Toga sneaking behind him

"Yar yar yar, I am the evilest villain!" Himiko waved her knife as a poorly drawn moustache was painted on her face with a Sharpie

"Shut up"

"Yes Hand-san!" Himiko saluted with a grin, her slightly flushed face showed her hunger for some blood

"It's Tomura"

"Yes Tomuhand-san!"


"Finally! We reached the edge!" Kirishima hurried his pace as he spread his arms to allow the sun to kiss his skin

"I'm exhausted" Sero wiped the sweat off his forehead as he looked back, his face morphed to shock

"I want to sleep" Jiro ribbed Her eyes as she was carried by an electric trolly, courtesy of Yaomomo.

"Congrats on making it!" The class looked forward to see Rimuru sitting on a futon, he was munching on popcorn while watching TV that was connected to a generator.




"Ah perfect timing, care for some popcorn?" Rimuru opened microwave as fresh popcorn popped in his hands

"Where did you get all of this?!?" Was the question that was asked first

"Sub-space quirk." Rimuru answered flatly as jealousy boiled in some of them.

"Can you all be a little quiet" a yellow sleeping bag rustled before a scruffy head of hair peeked out of the opening, Aizawa stared at the class in annoyance.

Reaching into the sleeping bag he pulled out a Capri-Sun as he began chugging it. As soon as he finished he threw it into the air before the package got annihilated by Rimuru's smoke.

"That's why your my favourite student" Aizawa smiled as another Capri-Sun exited Rimuru's subspace right into Aizawa's hand

'blatant favouritism' is the only word that could describe what was happening before their eyes


"Looks like you made it in time! Let's head inside and serve you dinner" Maladay spoke as a pile of bags stood behind her, it was of course, the class's luggage. Tiger, the forth WWPC helped stack the bags as his muscular arms flexed.

"Woah" was the first thing the class said when they entered the resort. With traditional Japanese architecture the walls were made of wood and the floor was lined with Tatami mats

Entering the cafeteria everybody filled their plates with food. Puffy rice and spicy curry was what was served, the smell could make one fall in a trance.

"Sooo good" Kirishima ate shoveled the rice into his mouth like a competitive eater, his chopsticks grabbed every grain, leaving the bowl empty

"Ah right everyond!" Pixie-Bob clapped grabbing the class's attention, she cleared her voice before ruining their day

"Just so you know, tomorrow you will be the one who cooks the food. So enjoy this whole it lasts kekeke" she gazed at Rimuru but her eyes widened as she saw him eating bagged chips.

Recently Rimuru realized that he should probably use his subspace more, so he stuffed it full of essentials, like a generator + fuel, a sleeping bag, tent, canned foods, microwave, TV, walk-in closet, a years worth of diffrent snacks, legai starbattle mellenia falcon and death star, a collection of funky pops, and so on.


"Hm? Who are you?" While on break, Midoriya stunned across a little kid in one of the hallways


Midoriya, seeing as the kid wasn't talking, crouched down as he stared at the lost child

"Are you lost? Why don't we got to find your mom or dad?" Midoriya reached his hand forward but instantly stopped as he felt an impact on his crown jewels

"AHHHHHHHH!" Collapsing to his knees, Midoriya sent a warning call. Every man in a 500km radius was just alerted that someone was hit in the nuts, saluting to the fallen brother the men prayed for his future generations.


"Pixie-Bob-sensei~" Rimuru called out to Pixie-Bob, In almost an instant she manifested in front of him like she was waiting for him. a cheeky grin spread across her face

"Have you come to regret you decision? I would gladly give you my b-"

"Who's this lost child" Rimuru interrupted her as he pointed at the small kid, his foot still stuck firmly between Midoriya's 'sacred orbs'

"Oh he's Maladay's cousin" she ignored the torturous scene as she replied, her fake cat ears still bouncing around

"Maladay is the hot red girl right?" Rimuru asked causing multiple veins to pop on Pixie-Bob's forehead

"Y-yes" Pixie-Bob answered through written teeth, her youthful persona ruined because of a blue haired femboy.

"Do you think Maladay is single?" Rimuru put a finger on his chin while thinking, Pixie-Bob instantly snapped

"Hey! Im unmarried! How about choosing me?" Her hands clenched tightly

"Haha I'm just teasing ya. And hell no"


"*Yawn* let's go to sleep" Rimuru buried himself into the futon as the rest of the boys folded their clothes before putting on pyjamas

"Hey did y'all hear? There's a hot spring in here! Let's go!" Kaminari sprinted towards the hot springs followed by the rest of the class

"Damn bath episodes... Cliché" Rimuru stretched as he walked down the hallway towards the bathouse


"Ah~ I feel fantastic" Kirishima melted into the hot water, only a towel covered his special region.

"I mean... The water is only lukewarm..." Shoto said while splashing some of the water... Damn fire resistance...

"Wait wait wait... Isn't this wall the only thing separating us from the girls?" Kaminari touched the wooden wall heating the subtle voices inside the girls bath

"Don't you dare Kaminari-kun, have dignity!" Iida raised his glasses (he wears glasses in the bath... Weirdo) and ran over to Kaminari before grabbing onto his shoulder

"I want to see the girls naked please!" Kaminari resisted Iida but all for naught as he was thrown into the waters

"If you want to see the girls naked here's a good tip. Just imagine them without clothes" Rimuru who was relaxing in the bath said, before sinking inside the water, and creating bubbles with his mouth.

"Your a f*ckling genius!" Kaminari exclaimed

"Jiro is probably so hot, such a petite body" Kamirai started muttering as drool trailed from his lips


"Who allowed you to think about her?" A murderous aura exploded out of Rimuru as he slammed Kaminari into the rough stones


A/N: I am currently writing this chapter while on a hiking trip lol.

The scenery might be beautiful, but thinking about femboys comes first 🗿