Ready? set! ACTION!


"What do you mean villains are planning to attack?" Aizawa was already confused when Jiro approached him, but now he was even more confused

"I told you! I saw a Nomu roam around the forest! And some guy was scouting as well! They were planning to attack us!" Jiro was adamant about reporting that suspicious activity right away... well a day late but whatever

"And you didn't bother reporting it right after returning? Pixie-Bob had a headache just searching for you" Aizawa furrowed his brows

"W-well I was busy!" Jiro felt embarrassed as she completely forgot about that scary situation! But yesterday was a rollercoaster of emotions

"Sigh, just don't tell the other classmates, I'll bring some backup to protect us. Just be careful and don't leave the camp under any circumstance"

"Yes, Aizawa-sensei!" Jiro saluted before returning to today's training


Just like yesterday, the entire class was training their quirks, the same way as before, just a little bit harder.

"Dodge this!" A monster made of earth swung its claws at me, of course, I dodged its attack before burying my foot in its face, but Pixie-Bob being the woman that she is, sent another monster right after

"Let's see you defeat this one hahaha!" she maniacally laughed as the monster grew to enormous sizes, sucking the dirt from under it

"Nah, I'd win" I crossed my finger turning my environment into pure blackness

[Domain expansion: Infinite bullsh*t]

I instantaneously annihilated the Mudmonster much to the shock of Pixie-Bob

"Thats unfair! How could you!" She stomped her foot on the ground while watching as the monster didn't even get the chance to turn to liquid and just disappear

"Well, I'm outta here" I teleported to the summit of the mountain and prepared to head back, yesterday's training did in fact show improvement in my control. I can now control my smoke to a higher degree and my range got longer.

"Kekeke, I was preparing Rimuru-Kun" I suddenly heard Pixie-Bob's voice behind me, turning around in a hurry I saw a cat-Walkie-Talkie on the ground. and behind it-

"You have got to be kidding me!" I was swiftly bombarded with an enormous amount of monsters lunging at me.


Half an hour later Rimuru teleported back to the spot where he was at the base of the mountain, now his clothes were considerably dirtier with dirt markets littering his face and hair.

"Pixie-Bob I'm gonna ki- huh?" I was confused as to where she was staring, her head was raised to the sky like a plane was passing by


With the sounds of helicopter propellers, I immediately understood what happened, Whenever a helicopter passed by. Humans by instinct will raise their heads to see the helicopter descend to the ground.

"Greeting students, we are here to assist in your training" Out of the helicopter's door Snipe-Sensei descended, behind him Ectoplasm and Hound followed

My only thought behind this was 'Did they figure out?' It seems even when trying to keep the timeline stable things happen... oh well it is what it is

I clapped my hand loudly making Pixie-Bob snap out of her stupor

"What are you staring at? we have training to do!" 

"Since when did you care about training!" Pixie-Bob furiously retorted, hissing like a cat, Unfortunately, she is still far from being as cute as a cat. 

"Since now!"



"To be able to focus on the right noises, you have to differentiate between noises into two categories. Natural noises, or 'White noise' and Artificial noises, or 'Significant noise'" Hound Dog surprisingly taught well despite being a meathead, his ears peeked between his blonde hair as they twitched.

"Alright, so how do I differentiate between them then?" Jiro questioned as her ear jack connected to the ground

"Don't really have a method... Just listen and you'll understand soon enough" Hound Dog just scratched his head and pointed at the forest

"Alright, Let's hunt some bunnies! Try to listen and find where they are!" 

"Going to the forest?!? Alone are you crazy theres-" Jiro quickly put her hands over her mouth before subtly pointing at the forest while making a 'cutting neck gesture'

"Ah right! That thing! Nevermind then" Hound Dog pounded his palm understanding what she meant


"Your quirk requires agility to be truly useful, As of now if a villain just shot randomly he could still hit you" Snipe pointed at Hagakure surprising her as she thought he couldn't see her

"Mou~ So unfair" 

"Let's get Tiger to help you train agility" Snipe pointed at Tiger, who was sparring against Midoriya, managing to parry every strike Midoriya sent

"Sure sure" Hagakure went towards them, leaving footmarks in the dirt...

"Now about you Aoyama... We will have to do a lot..." Snipe stared at the target 20 meters away, completely lacking any kind of hits as the trees surrounding said target were riddled with holes

"I have a stomach ache"...


"Tokoyami-Kun your only problem is your reliance on Dark Shadow," Ectoplasm's clones said in unison while overwhelming Tokoyami. Dark Shadow could only hold them back for so long

"I recommend training your own body first, of course controlling that quirk is also important," Ectoplasm kicked Tokoyami in the face making Dark Shadow disperse 

"Can't I use a sword?" Tokoyami asked while rubbing his cheek

"Swords are dangerous" Ectoplasm repeated the same response he gave for the 5th time

"Tsk" Tokoyami stood up again and prepared to fight


"Hoho looks like class 1-A is training real hard" A low voice sounded making class 1-A and their teachers turn their head

"What do you want Vlad" Aizawa fingered his ears while asking in a flat tone

"Nothing really, but bringing more teachers to help class 1-A? how low, not even considering class 1-B" Vlad said while class 1-B who was invisibly standing behind him radiated anger

"My, My, To think class 1-A is that arrogant! Bringing teachers in secret just to try to surpass the OBJECTIVELY SUPERIOR class 1-B" Monoma started laughing maniacally before being hit in the nape by Itsuka, falling unconscious instantaneously.

"eh, sorry about that. But y'all don't mind if we join you right?" Itsuka scratched the back of her head


"Phew I'm tired!" Kirishima the battle junky muttered while chomping on half-decent rice, just the crunch made some cringe

"Who cooked this rice? it's burnt!" Kaminari was angered as his onigiri was half brown on the bottom, and its seaweed wrapping was also dried beyond belief

"Huh?! You have a problem with my cooking BASTARD?" The loud shout immediately made the entire class understand why. Yesterday Bakugo's batch could be considered toxic waste.


"I'm tired"

"me too"

"My ears hurt"

The 'Rimuru table' was awfully quiet this time, as the three were trained to their bone. The group was called 'Rimuru table' because he was the loudest of the three, as well as the most annoying... but we don't talk about that.

"Ah, Right do you think bringing more teachers here was a good idea" Rimuru asked, Jiro who was rubbing her 'sore' ears instantly jumped in fright

"W-what do you mean?" 

"I mean... Don't they have to teach at UA campus?" Rimuru asked

"Perhaps there are substitute teachers" Tokoyami answered, his head resting on the table

"And maybe they were brought here for safety haha" Jiro answered with sweat running down her forehead... She definitely knew something...

"Mind if we sit here?" Rimuru turned his head to see Aizawa and the rest of the teachers with lunch plates next to him

"uhh... why here?" 

"The other tables are occupied" Rimuru turned his head, and it was in fact the truth, two tables were taken by the classes, another was taken by the WWPC + Kota, and only theirs was left

"Sure then..." Rimuru accepted quickly as the teachers sat down, making an awkward silence around the table.

"You still have capri-suns right?" Aizawa asked while waving his empty hand like he was grasping for something

"You only sat here for my snacks didn't you?" Rimuru narrowed his eyes before a Capri-sun appeared in Aizawa's hand, only seconds later

"gimme another" 


"Alright everyone, unfortunately, the evening's test of courage is canceled" Aizawa announced to the class's dismay

"Of course you cancel it humph" Mina huffed in annoyance

"You wouldn't have been able to join anyway" Aizawa retorted making Mina fall to her knees

"We are doing this for safety reasons don't worry" Aizawa calmed down the classes before making them worry again

"Safety reasons? what safety reasons could there be?" Was the most asked question...


"Psst Kyouka" Rimuru leaned his head over Jiro's shoulder

"UWAH! W-what is it?" Her ears turned red as she felt Rimuru's breath on them

"Did you know?" Rimuru asked, making Jiro confused. The question was way too broad for her...


"Did you know..." Rimuru leaned even closer making Jiro blush even more

"That villains will attack" Just as this phrase registered in her mind, she was overtaken by panic

"H-How did you know?"

"I have my methods" Rimuru answered cryptically 

"Ummm yes..." Jiro touched her fingers together in nervousness

"How amazing Mistah Sherlock! You have cracked this case right open" Black lines shadowed Jiro's face hearing Rimuru speak in a weird British accent


"umm, where's Midoriya?" I heard this question from a distance, looking around I noticed he wasn't anywhere. But then I immediately froze in place

'Have I completely forgotten the plot? Midoriya is with that kid!' I remembered how the plot went, which means the villain's attack is coming very soon.

"Stay right where you are!" Aizawa announced making the class quiet down for a moment, looking at the sky they noticed the black smoke rising in the forest 

"Wow when you know what's coming, things are very anticlimactic" I muttered while staring at the purple fog descend down the mountain, together with the blue flames catching trees and turning them to ash


"Kurogiri do you see this?" Tomura asked while looking down the cliff

"It appears they came prepared. do you want me to interfere?" Kurogiri watched as the teachers took hold of the situation quickly, basically making the building into a fortress

"Just scatter them around... And make the 'targets' as Isolated as possible." Tomura scratched his neck in annoyance, his well-constructed plan was ruined because of a damn student...

"Kurogiri do you know who it was who found about us?" Tomura asked... no growled

"I don't know" 

"Then just let those new recruits kill all of them" Tomura went through Kurogiri's body returning to the bar

"Yes sir" Kurogiri descended the cliff watching as one of the students was already fighting one of the villains.


"It's time to scatter you all!" Kurogiri announced making the teachers panic, looking back they saw portals sucking the students in, teleporting them to who knows where


Hound Dog pounced on Kurogiri as he recognized the scent from the USJ incident, of course, he didn't land a hit as Kurogiri simply dispersed as his job was done

"What a bad dog, let's put you down" Suddenly a voice came behind the trees before a wave of blue flames shot at the hero

"Hound Dog NO!" Aizawa tried stopping Hound Dog from getting hit by dragging him using his scarf, unfortunately, the hot flames still reached him causing severe burns
