THIS IS A TITLE - I-Expo part 5


"I am shaking from excitement to meet my old friend!" Inside the usually silent lab of David Shield, the peace was interrupted by a loud voice right before the door was kicked open.

"Toshi- All Might" David's eyes widened as he stared at his old friend he used to reminisce about, however before he could talk All Might tackled him into a hug.

"It has been so long!" All Might let go of David before wiping the small tears welling in his eyes, he was glad he could finally reunite with his old friend.

"I'm glad you two are having fun" After the two old friends got over their excitement, Melissa entered the lab followed by Midoriya. David seeing his daughter's face realized she had set up this meeting.

"Thank you Melissa" David smiled from ear to ear. The assistant standing behind David was shocked beyond words, he didn't know about David's relationship with All Might. 

"You're welcome, I heard you made a breakthrough so I decided to help you celebrate" Melissa corrected her glasses with a smirk.

"Oh, who is that behind you?" David suddenly noticed Midoriya's presence, standing in the doorway in silence. Walking towards Midoriya with his hand forward he was about to introduce himself.

"O-Oh my gosh! Your David Shield! I'm Midoriya Izuku nicetomeetyouimaverybigfa--" Midoriya suddenly went all fanboy, his flustered appearance and mumbling made David chuckle slightly.

"I guess there's no need for introductions" 

David retracted his hand seeing Midoriya's stiffened posture, turning his gaze to All Might David said.

"I'd like to catch up with my old friend. Melissa how about you help Midoriya around, maybe bring him to the I-Expo"

David suggested he has a lot to talk about with All Might and saying it's urgent wouldn't be wrong.

"Sure I can papa" Melissa smiled before dragging Midoriya who was trying to get an autograph from David.


Quickly entering the private laboratory and locking the door behind him, David led Toshinori toward a medical machine. Designed to test a person's overall health but most importantly their quirk factor.

Toshinori, now completely deflated laid down in the device, waiting for it to bring up the results.

While the machine was doing its work, Toshinori decided to do some small talk.

"I see you still keep that thing up" To his right was a poster showing All Might and David leaning against some red car, with bold text the poster read.

["All Might and David shield! Hero team"]

"Haha, I often like reminiscing about the past" David stared at the poster with a longing expression, he felt his mood sour for some reason. But before he could find the root of the cause the medical machine beeped.

"So how is it?" Toshinori sat up from the medical machine, slightly coughing out blood.

"It's really bad" David went silent for a second while staring at the result, he could tell All Might didn't have much time left.

"Your quirk functionality has dropped significantly, you barely have 2 years left." David clenched his teeth while reading the results, he felt like it was partially his fault, for not inventing the machine that could enhance quirks--- wait ..

"It could've been worse haha" Toshinori made a self-deprecating joke, completely oblivious that it indeed could've been worse, courtesy of the blue-haired femboy.

"I'm not kidding Toshi, you can't use your quirk or you'll only accelerate it. Maybe you should qui-"

"I can't, I'll never stop being a hero. Even if it means I'll drop on my knees, dead" Toshinori reaffirmed his conviction to David, seeing as he couldn't convince him David only sighed.

"What do we do about you" David massaged his forehead before pulling out a file of a certain rejected project he had made.

["Mechanical quirk enhancer (rejected)"]

Without a word David slipped the file under his armpit before unlocking the door and exiting, Toshinori following right after, ignorant of the situation he would befall tomorrow


*That very same tomorrow*

"This feels like Groundhog Day" I woke up staring at the ceiling, feeling dejà vu. brushing my teeth, and hair I exited the bathroom and went to the living room, seeing Tokoyami sitting and watching that one gay anime...

"Hey Tokoyami, are we in a time loop?"

"No," Tokoyami answered flatly, his gaze still on the TV

"Cool" I sat right next to him before pulling out my phone, I began feeling bored yet again... *Yawn*

Hearing the same noise, the Jiro came(🤨) out of her room with a yawn, wearing sexy PJs...

"Oh right the I-Expo is open to the public now," Tokoyami suddenly mentioned as I began melting out of boredom, however, I didn't feel any excitement.

"Didn't we go to the I-Expo yesterday?" I complained. Why would I want to see the same thing but much more crowded?

"I guess you can mess with our class? It isn't illegal to use your quirk outside..." Tokoyami pulled out his phone before continuing

"And they set a meeting place for the whole class."

"Hm? Are you going with the class?" Jiro, who had just sat down on the couch asked, I noticed that she was now wearing a bra under the PJs, good on you...

"Yeah, sure... I'm bored" I replied again, I probably could've just stayed in my room doing random things, but I didn't want to make the author's life hell trying to create new random situations...

(A/N: thanks bro)

'no problem my brother, just stop talking to yourself'

"You're always bored," Jiro pinched my cheek roughly making me correct my shrimp-like posture.

"Anyway, I'm hungry wanna head over to the restaurant and grab something?" Jiro offered up, however, I quickly rejected surprising the two of them.

"We have a kitchen here so I'm just gonna cook" I decided to stay away from the junk food or I might accidentally devour 415 chicken nuggets.

"Wait you know how to cook?" Jiro asks skeptically, to be fair I never actually cooked in this life however, experience never fades!

Taking a frying pan and cooking ingredients, I tried to make the famous anime food, Omurice! I don't expect my food to make Jiro's clothes explode... But I anticipate it.




"It's edible that's good" Tokoyami decided to poison test my food, taking bite he seemed to not mind.

"Well it's probably more healthy than KFC but it's not as good" Jiro forked some into her mouth while talking.

"I guess I'm not at soma level yet" I stabbed the omelet in annoyance, I wanted to see the non-wood cutting board! Come on!

"A right we're probably late to the meeting already" Tokoyami stared at his watch before looking at me.

"How is that my fault?"

"You took 30 minutes to finish bruh"


"Sorry for being late, it was 100% Rimuru's fault" Jiro ran up to the class 1-A group, with Tokoyami and Rimuru following after.

"I don't doubt that for a second" Mina commented, as she jumped in place energetically

The meeting place was of course the cafe, much to Kaminari's dismay he had to take 20 orders and fulfill them, worked to the bone would be an understatement.

"You already know what I want right?" I asked Kaminari, he nodded with dispair-ridden eyes.

"B-banana m-milk s-shake right?" Kaminari stiffly tapped his tablet, however I quickly stopped him.

"Add some strawberries"

"Ahhh! I want to quit" Kaminari couldn't take it anymore and ran inside the restaurant, probably to cry in the freezer... Relatable.

Sitting on one of the chairs under the shade I was about to pull out my phone to drown myself in boredom, but suddenly Iida spinner my chair forcing me to look into his face.

"Rimuru-kun, you have been on multiple different occasions, I could not take it anymore. You must fix your terrible scheduling" Iida grabbed onto my shoulder shaking me around. Iida would always reprimand me when I was late to class, but I usually just ignored him and went to sleep...

"Eh... I don't have time for dialogue" I freed myself from Iida's grasp and completely ignored his existence like the side character he is.


"Alright! Let's go test our strength!" Suddenly Kirishima began to shout loudly flexing his muscles and pointing at the fake mountain arena from yesterday.

"Eh? Don't wanna, I already kicked those weak robots around" Bakugo kicked a rock that was in his way, some of the class partly agreed. Doing it again is kinda boring.

"Well I'm doing the strength test" Kirishima pointed at a stage where a giant piston was positioned.

Arriving at the stage, Kirishima was lucky to be chosen by the announcer

"You there red hair! Come up!" The announcer said loudly.

As Kirishima walked up the stairs he felt his blood boil, he wondered how good his score would be.

"Now then Red, do you think you can break records like Bluey from two days ago?" The announcer asked Kirishima, however he only got silence as Kirishima felt confused.


"Haha! Yes, 2 days ago some short blue-haired kid came up and straight up shattered some records" the announcer laughed as well as some of the crowd who saw what happened that day...

"Don't tell me its-" Kirishima turned his gaze to the side already having a theory on who this Bluey is... Unfortunately, the scene change prevents him from saying


And soon came evening, with the formal party at the horizon just like the sun the entire class 1-A waited in the lobby wearing formal wear.

Having at least some shame I decided to wear formal clothing. With a white button-up with black pants and dressing shoes, the only thing I didn't wear was the jacket. With a bowtie around my neck and black velvet gloves, I looked absolutely dashing.

Of course that wasn't enough so I decided to mix some [mimicry] making my overall aura more charming, as well as dyeing the tip of my hair with a slight purple tone.

Leaning on the wall I waited for the girls to arrive as the current lobby was quite literally a sausage party, with the sound of the elevator ding all gazes moved onto the doors.

With a short violet frilled dress and high heels, Jiro stepped out of the elevator wearing light makeup and purple lipstick making her overall colors stick out.

"I have fallen in love" My eyes glued onto Jiro as I unknowingly muttered, I was only snapped out of my stupor as Jiro locked her eyes with mine.

"Jeez, this is embarrassing... It's even worse when you're staring this much" Jiro wasn't used to dressing fromaly, so she felt some anxiety about wearing a dress.

"Why wouldn't I stare at such a gem" I asked before realizing the absolute rizz god line I just uttered.

"R-really?" Jiro averted her gaze while blushing slightly, even with makeup her blush was still visible.

"Of course, let's just hope no villain comes and ruins that beauty" I took hold of her hand before kissing it like a gentleman should

(A/N: I have no f*cking clue)

Foreshadowing Wolfram's fated appearance I decided to not jinx myself and have Wolfram do something completely against the plot.


Looking at the other girls enter the room I notice quickly walking up to the others

Melissa dressed in a beautiful blue dress walked up to Midoriya who was wearing a red suit, she had her hair tied into a ponytail and she wasn't wearing her glasses. Instantly turning her into a 10/10

"It's good to see you Midoriya" Melissa smiled at Midoriya making him blush profusely.

"A-ah yo-your looking beautiful as well" Midoriya stuttered out, his cutesy reaction made Melissa laugh slightly

"Well thank you" Melissa was about to continue their small talk but suddenly the lights went out, and a blaring alarm sounded in the entire room.

[Security alert! This is an announcement by the I-Island security system, we have received a report of an armed explosive device planted in I-Island---]

"And so it begins" I muttered while watching the blast doors lowering in the hallways, sealing us inside...


A/N: as of writing this, this book has finally reached 100k total words.... 🥳🥳🥳🥳... Cool... Um, power stones plz?