Opposie~, there goes your roof


Sitting on the medical I stared out the window in deep thought. I have reached a tipping point, now I don't really need to worry about my own safety as no villain can actually harm me except for AFO. This means I now have to shift my attention to my classmates, like the responsible man I am I have to make sure nothing happens to any of them

If even one student dies because of the timeline shift then I'm basically screwed, although I could probably use [Abezethibou] to strengthen them. But that's if I understand what's the condition for skill evolution...

Now that I think about [Abezethibou], it isn't as strong as most Ultimate Skill... Is it because the MHA has weak skills? That'd make sense but that implies that every universe has its own skill metric... Wait why am I going multiversal even Rimuru couldn't multiverse travel until way later into the LN

But I'm not Rimuru... I'm a different one... Wait Am I?

I roughly scratched my head as I began feeling the onset headache

"Let's not get too philosophical" I laid back on the bed however as soon as I did EdgeShot came into the room. closing the door behind him, however, he had a strange look on his face

"Yo EdgeShot! Good morning" I waved at him, I had to stay at the hospital overnight because apparently 'cracked skulls can't heal in 20 minutes'... So they said

"Good morning... Why are you shirtless?" EdgeShot asked me while pointing, looking down I was indeed not wearing a shirt... Or pants but he doesn't need to know

"It was too hot in this room... Ya'know, summer?" I said while pulling my collar only to realize I wasn't wearing a shirt and was pulling at air...

"It's December..." His words made me avert my gaze awkwardly, I wasn't the best at making excuses...

"Anyway, I came here to tell you you'll be discharged later today. The doctors already did their tests and stuff. Remember the raid on Shie Hassaikai is soon. Better prepare" EdgeShot said before walking away, his gaze lingered on me for one uncomfortable second too long...

"Psst... Is he gone?" Hearing a voice I turned my gaze right next to me only to see Jiro emerging from under the covers. Fortunately due to both of us having small frames the medical bed could hold the both of us... That was good for when we did certain activities

"To be honest I was surprised it actually worked... He's completely clueless" I said while scratching my cheek, grabbing my clothes, and putting them on again I finally stood up from the medical bed, landing on my feet I heard my back cracking

"Man... I love that sound" Feeling the euphoria from having my back joints work I left the room with a small smile hanging on my face, as soon as I stepped out of the hospital room I realized something.

"Even if he hadn't seen or heard us... He would've definitely smelled it..." A shadow cast over my face


While the work studies atmosphere was tense the same couldn't be said for UA as everybody trained without a care in the world. Those who are involved in the Nighteye Agency team-up were restricted from talking about the upcoming raid, unfortunately, the class still noticed the strange behavior of some of them.

Midoriya was a perfect example because of how obvious it was, his face was always tense and deep in thought. Even his muttering has considerably lessened

"That bastard! He definitely learned something important" Bakugo stared at Midoriya who was standing above him, they were currently exercising by rock climbing

"Oui Kirishima tell me! What did you figure out?" Bakugo shouted at Kirishima who was still climbing however Kirishima had a solemn expression

"Sorry can't tell you"

Bakugo felt even more angry however he held himself back. until recently his temper had lessened considerably

"Aren't you going to climb? Or are you going to continue slacking?" Aizawa asked while staring at Rimuru, who was simply staring at the concrete wall his face blank

"Nah," Rimuru replied simply not even returning a glance, his hand rubbing his chin as if in deep thought. Unfortunately, nobody believed Rimuru had the capacity to think anyway.

"Oui brat, I could expel you for ignoring me," Aizawa said as his eyes glowed red, his hair lifting into the air.

"Fine fine" Rimuru exhaled before walking up to the wall, Aizawa still staring at him trying to observe his actions

Rimuru stared at the wall before his hand reached out and touched it, putting force into his hands his fingers sunk into the concrete like they were styrofoam. Using his new grip Rimuru simply began climbing, completely ignoring the specially placed bumps that you are supposed to grab onto.

Aizawa's gaze lingered at Rimuru for a moment, his thoughts however were much different than you would expect...

'strange... I felt nothing' Aizawa thought while rubbing his eyebrows. Usually, Aizawa would feel a slight tug when erasing someone's quirk, however, when he tried it on Rimuru he felt nothing... As if he couldn't erase his quirk...


"I know I won't comment about you two dating... But you two have been acting strange recently" Tokoyami put his chopsticks down, his eyes squinting while staring at Rimuru and Jiro

"What do you mean?" Rimuru asked while tilting his head, his expression being in a constant poker face.

"You two have been acting gloomy like more gloomy than me! Spill the beans already"

Rimuru didn't reply for a short while, making the table descent into an uncomfortable silence

"Uhmm... Me and Jiro uh... We've..." Rimuru scratched his neck while stuttering, his mind racing trying to come up with an excuse. He could just say 'I can't say' but he's his friend. Lying to your friends is better than breaking their trust... Wait

"Don't tell me... Jiro is pregnant!" Tokoyami smaller the table as he leaned forward with a surprised expression. His exclamation loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear.

"What? No! You d*mb*ss, I use condoms--- that's not the point! We can't talk about it cuz it's confidential stuff!" Rimuru jumped up from his seat, both his and Jiro's face flushing red.

"Oh, so a secret mission! Is it the agency team-up from Nighteye?" Tokoyami asked while hitting his palm in realization

"Wait you knew?" Rimuru's face morphed into confusion as he stared at Tokoyami who just embarrassed him in front of the ENTIRE school

"Yeah, Hawks talked about it... But he said he was too busy"

"You goddamn motherf*cker"

While Rimuru took the whole secret mission with a grain of salt, Midoriya on the other hand was sobbing and crying at his table. He felt terrible about 'lying to my fwiends' Boohoo... Well was probably worried about Eri... Aaaanyway

After lunch ended class 1-A found Kaminari crying inside the bathrooms. The reason? It still wasn't figured out until this very day


And thus another time skip, because we clearly didn't have enough of those -_-

"So we have their location? And it was that guy's house this entire time?" Rock Lock asked while staring at Nighteye dumbfounded, the entire operation was about finding which of the compounds Eri could be located in and it was in his house this entire time!

"We had to make sure, we didn't know what he would do to her if we were discovered," Nighteye said before turning around and looking at the screen, it's projection now showing the private mansion of Kai Chisaki, AKA the main base of the Shie Hassaikai

"How can we know it's there anyway? She could be held somewhere else while they transport her when they need to create the drug?" FatGum asked a good question to which Nighteye pulled out a toy box from under the table.


[Mighty-girls, All Might magical Girls puppet doll. Comes with glitter accessories and All Might merchandise]

Nighteye put the box on the table for all to see making the entire room quiet

"A few days ago one of the Shie Hassaikai members went out and bought this exact doll, catered towards girls" Nighteye showed the grotesque doll to them, the cute body of a magical girl plus the hideous smile of All Might created an uncanny feeling in all of them.

"W-what if it was a collector? Some people like that kind of thing" Rock Lock argued to which Nighteye simply adjusted his glasses

"But he said something a collector never would, 'Where can I get this All Might girly dolls... Like the ones for little children?'... A collector never admits what they buy is catered to little kids" A glint flashed in Nighteye's glasses before adding

"I also used foresight on him. He went inside the compound and delivered it to Eri, there is an underground passage right below the mansion" Nighteye's words sparked discussion in the room, especially among the 9 UA students...

"You heard him? We can finally storm the place!" Nejire said while a fire burned in her eyes, almost making everyone forget she was an airhead

Midoriya simply clenched his fists, his mind that was in turmoil calmed down as his stress lowered.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Mirio on the other hand raised his hand into the air with a wide smile on his face, trying to hide the immense concern he had earlier

"We strike at dawn lads!" Rimuru added with a strangely perfect Scottish accent, however, what made everyone pause was the fact he was now adorned with Viking clothing as he held a sword over his head

"Why does he even have that in his subspace..." Jiro wondered about how many things were inside the storage space, be it Support items, snacks, and even... "Toys", Rimuru's supplies seemed almost endless...


"Yippe another time skip..." I muttered while staring at the distant Shie Hassaikai compound, we are now on the morning of the next day, luckily the process was expedited by Nighteye allowing us to truly strike at dawn

However, what Rimuru didn't expect was how much of a crucial role he plays in this operation.

"Rimuru, your job is to make a hole in the ground so we can directly access the underground passages of the base. Then we can attack both at the entrance and the exit" Nighteye explained to which Rimuru just stared with his mind going blank...

Now looking at the road in front of me I simply waited until the police finished their encirclement, the other heroes stood behind me ready to jump right in

"Rimuru what are you waiting for? Begin!" Feeling a nudge over my shoulder I prepared to dig a REALLY big hole, one that no man on the beach could ever achieve

"Ultimate Move! Eat This!" I screamed my move's name in true anime fashion as my hands began emitting [Beelzbub] on overdrive. Before anyone had time to blink the entire road was already covered in smoke as my hands shot out more like a high-pressure nozzle. While [Beelzbub] was smokey in the anime it also had liquid-like properties.

After enough time elapsed I clenched my fist, and as soon as I did [Beelzbub] went to work. The smoke began devouring through the pavement as if it were a sugar cube against water as a gigantic hole erupted in the ground

As soon as the heroes saw the passageways revealing themselves they snapped out of their stupor seeing a small teen do more than they ever could and began running into the underground.

However, the villains were already alerted as some began trying to put up resistance. Of course that wasn't enough as the swarm of Heroes simply overwhelmed them with sheer numbers.

"Tsk... I still have to deal with mimic" I squatted at the ledge of the hole before sliding down, my hands now covered in Beelzbub ready to strike at any unassuming sentient walls

"~I am the storm that is approaching~"
