Culture festival (basically filler BTW)

A/N: I just reread some of my earlier chapters to refresh my memories and I noticed how truly terrible my grammar was...

Why did none of y'all tell me? 😭


My hand stopped in place as it hovered above Overhaul. Slowly opening his eyes he stared at me with confusion as well as a bit of insanity

"You were about to kill me? Why did you stop" Overhaul gazed at me with his golden eyes shaking rapidly. I forgot how insane Overhaul became after he lost... Shame...

"I don't gain anything by killing you, so it's a waste..." I straightened my back before slowly walking away, the distant sounds of government vehicles closed in

"Just don't tell them about me" I added before vanishing into thin air. I had a long day ahead of me

As Rimuru left Overhaul stared at the spot where he just stood his face contorting in anger and disgust

"You think I'd tell those filthy politicians anything?" Overhaul barked at the air in anger. His pride wouldn't let him spit anything out, and his absolute disdain for the commission made absolutely impossible to extract any information from him.

As soon as the government vehicles got closer the sounds of doors opening and agents stepping out rang in Overhaul's ears

"We secured the target... He's only mildly injured" One of the agents spoke to his phone, after a small since he ordered his subordinates to search around the area


"Did you find it?" A figure covered by darkness spoke into the phone

["No... President, it seemed whoever attacked the convoy knew what they were looking for"] a voice replied, his tone was respectful yet professional

"Tsk, that only delays our plans" The commission's president clicked his tongue while massaging the bridge of his nose.

["So what do we do with Overhaul then?"] The voice asked over the phone.

"We can bring him for interrogation... If he doesn't bring any useful information just send him Tartarus" The commission's president said before hanging up the phone. Picking a pen from the penholder he began to work on paperwork while in deep thought

This went on for a few minutes, the office stayed silent with only the sounds of pen gliding on paper. However, the sound of the door opening disturbed the silence

"So how did it go?" The commission's president asked without even raising their head, there were very few people who could come into his office unannounced

"It went well. Nezu covered his tracks well, however, you can't get everything from the public eye" The secretary reported before closing the door behind him

"That is true... So what did you learn?" The commission's president raised his head before interlocking his fingers and resting his head on his hands

"The main contributors to Overhaul's apprehension were Midoriya Izuku and Rimuru Tempest" the secretary replied

"Rimuru again?" The commission's president's eyes narrowed. Sighing slightly he leaned back on his chair

"He appeared in so many incidents... It's almost as if he gravitates them to him.. hehe..." The commission's president chuckled before his eyes glowed with greed

'I'll make him mine...'

'in a platonic way...'


Inside the class 1-A dormitory, a tense silence hung about... The class stared at the entrance to the dormitory with seriousness. And soon enough they spotted a group getting closer to the building, as the door knob rotated they immediately lunged forward

"Why didn't you tell us about this!" The class shouted suddenly catching Midoriya, Asui, Uraraka, Jiro, and Kirishima by surprise. Why wasn't Rimuru surprised? He was already inside the building... Teleportation I swear

"As I already told you guys, It was confidential," Rimuru said leaning onto the sofa with a tired sigh

"Nobody was asking you, Bastard!" Bakugo shouted before turning towards Midoriya, his gaze burning holes in Midoriya.

"Damn Deku, you hide these things from us so you can surpass us? News flash buster(?) you Will.Never.Surpass.Me" Bakugo shouted at Midoriya however his tone wasn't as aggressive as one might think. After all, Bakugo was getting close to his Emo phase...

His winter costume was fire though ngl

"Im-im sorry kacchan it's just that--" Midoriya almost out of instincts tried to

Make up an excuse however, Bakugo kept being unreasonable

"I don't wanna hear it" Bakugo immediately turned around and left, slamming the door to his room so loudly you could hear it from the first floor

"Well, we do! Tell us!" Mina jumped on Kirishima with a betrayed expression, which Kirishima couldn't resist, his cheeks turning red.

"We were asked to not reveal that information..." Kirishima scratched his cheek, his eyes trying to avoid straying towards Mina's...

"Humph, no fair" Mina pouted before her usual smile returned. Though she kept hugging Kirishima for reasons unknown

"Ah right, Midoriya! When is Eri being released from the hospital?" Rimuru suddenly asked. And being caught completely unprepared he panicked and blurted out

"She's still recovering... I'm not sure when" When Uraraka heard 'she' her face turned cold

"Midoriya that information is still confidential, please refrain from talking about her" Suddenly Aizawa appeared in the room surprising everyone. It wasn't his sudden appearance that surprised everyone it was actually his looks!

"Aizawa-Sensei... Why do you have... Pfft!" Half the class couldn't even hold their laughter as they stared at Aizawa's face, which was neaty decorated by colorful doodles.

"What happened doesn't matter, we have an

Important announcement tomorrow, so make sure you prepare yourselves" Aizawa's words silenced the relaxed atmosphere as everyone tensed up. With a silent nod, everyone slowly made their way back to their rooms or stayed in the common area to hang out.

"Hey Rimuru, are you returning to your room?" Jiro stopped Rimuru mid-stride, he turned around to see Jiro's pouting face as sweat began pouring down his face


"Good let's go together" Jiro however seemed completely unbothered by Rimuru completely abandoning them while they were at the hospital, and having to comfort Midoriya felt like hell for her

"Ah, it's been so long since we've last had s*x" Jiro stretched her arms before shamelessly commenting. Rimuru who was caught off guard bumped into the wall


And as if nothing happened, classes resumed with renewed vigor. Of course, those who were part of the raid were very much behind on the subjects but they could catch up, right?

"WHY DO YOU KEEP ADDING LETTERS TO MATH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD" Of course that was excluding me. Slamming the table multiple times I stared at my notebook that was filled with barely legible writing as well as a few tear stains

"It honestly isn't that bad... Though I'm surprised you got a 98 on the midterms seeing how you answered in class" Yaomomo covered her mouth trying to cover the noise of her chuckling, but it clearly didn't work.

"Rimuru, next time remember that 'Syntax Error' isn't a valid answer" Tokoyami added before the two burst into laughter

"Everyone sit down, it's time for the announcement from yesterday..." Aizawa entered the classroom nonchalantly while picking his ear, putting his hands on the podium his voice suddenly grew loud

"It's time to decide the theme for our class's culture festival" Aizawa picked up a chalk before writing on the board 'Culture festival'

"Although I usually don't care, this time we have to win the contest for the most sales. So" Aizawa menacingly grinned

"If you fail I might expel some of you" Aizawa finished off before giving the podium to Iida, his stiff self as commanding as always

"We will start with a vote on which theme we should go with and then begin eliminating" Iida began going from student to student requesting their ideas. All of which boiled down to

[Maid/normal cafe]

[Some kind of spooky house]

[Musical/theatrical performance]

"All right let's begin voting!" Iida said however I quickly interrupted

"We're doing the musical performance!" With my hand raised the highest I shouted with absolute confidence. I must hear 'Hero too' in person!

"Maid cafe" However I was interrupted by another classmate standing up and raising his hand. I locked my gaze on Kaminari, who was drooling like a pervert thinking about maids.

Unfortunately, due to him being taller, his hand was now raised the highest!

"The voting shall be done in order and---"

"Musical performance!" I interrupted Iida trying to regain balance

"Maid cafe"

"Musical performance"

"Maid cafe"

"Musical performance"


"Can you two just shut up? Let us vote in peace"


"So does anyone actually have an idea on how to do this?" Yaomomo asked the class as they all sat in the common area of the dormitories. The silence that followed after her question answered her question easily

"Well since your prompt won, Rimuru, you better have a plan" Yaomomo turned to Rimuru who was averting his gaze as if he wasn't in the conversation

"Well, I know how to dance if that helps! But how do we do the music?" Mina added, which wasn't very helpful however Midoriya who after gathering his courage finally pulled out his notebook

"I made a rough sketch... Umm during class and I think it might work" Midoriya opened the notebook showing multiple music sheets as well as lyrics and verses, as the entire class leaned in to read a sneaky hand reached and grabbed the notebook

"Hey, what are you doing? We haven't finished reading!"

"Hehe, while this might be good let's leave it to the professionals to fix it up," Rimuru said as his arm wrapped around Jiro's shoulder smooshing her

As Rimuru turned around Jiro began panicking and trying to leave his grasp

"Rimuru! Stop being impulsive you clearly don't have a plan!"

"My plan is that I make it up as I go!"


Staring at the notebook in my hands I confirmed it. It was in fact, 'Hero too' Of course some of the lyrics and melodies were different but it was undoubtedly it. Of course, I absolutely loved that song however I still feel

Like the song was too 'shounen'... So I decided to fix it with the help of Jiro! Of course, while all my songs were just copies of other songs I still knew how to use an editing program

"It's time to Frankenstein this sh*t" I muttered as a smile grew on my face, entering Jiro's dorm I slapped the notebook on the table and turned on the PC

"Oui! Rimuru what the hell! You can't just---" Jiro was about to scold Rimuru for doing something stupid again he she was stuck in a daze seeing Rimuru with a serious expression... Which was surprisingly quite rare. Pulling out her phone she took a few photos as proof

[Sent: Rimuru_actually_being_serious.PNG]

[Tokoyami_FumiKage: Holy sh*t, it's like a rare pokémon card]

While Jiro was chatting with Tokoyami I completely focused on that song production. Stitching together as a song shouldn't be that hard especially since I had a groundwork to work on

Using a piano riff reminiscent of 'meltdown' or 'dämonisch' and adding the guitar melody from 'Tower of Flower' I already had a much better version, of course I didn't change anything too much as I of course still wanted the song to stay as similar as possible. However with how happy-go-lucky the song actually sounded I couldn't help but change stuff.

Now I wonder... How heavenly does Jiro's voice sound like? I scratched my chin trying to imagine however I then realized I had the real thing right next to me!

(A/N: tbh this part just sounds like me being a music nerd... Dammit)


A/N: Also I just realized how boring the culture festival arc really is... And I somehow have to describe music in text? F*ck me...

Also, you might've noticed the upload schedule slowed down... My eyes hurt if I stare too much at the screen, and I don't want to have blurry sight