The Two Empresses



Gloriosa opened her eyes with a groan. The open sky opened up in front of her. 


"You're awake?" 


Hancock's face came into her line of sight. Hancock looked down on her with a frown. 


"I kind of hope you stay unconscious until you return to your real appearance. That way I won't have to waste my time fighting you." 


Gloriosa's sense of awareness slowly came to her. The first thing she noticed was that her head was lying on something soft. She looked around and saw Hancock's upper body. After a few seconds, she realized her head was lying in Hancock's lap. 




She sat up with a frightened shout. 


"What's wrong you? Shouting out of the blue." 


Hancock didn't hide her displeasure in her voice. 


"Why was I lying in your lap?" 


"Because I put you there. You were unconscious and it was getting tiring carrying you around, especially after fighting. So, I took a seat here." 


Gloriosa looked around. They were in the residential area near the inns and the ships. 


"I don't understand. Why were you carrying me? Wouldn't you normally just leave my body in the streets?" 


"How can I do that? I would if you were your original self, since no human would look at you, but in this young form it would be dangerous to leave you there....What's with that look?" 


Gloriosa's jaw hit the floor and her eyes were peeled open. 


"You actually cared enough to do that?" 


"What do you mean? I would never leave a woman defenceless like that. What kind of monster do you take me for?" 


"The heartless kind." 


Gloriosa answered without hesitation. 




Her face paled. 


"Don't tell me you poisoned me in my sleep?!" 


Hancock pushed her off the bench and she hit the ground. 


"Ow...What are you doing to an old woman?!" 


Hancock stood up. 


"You're not old right now." 


Gloriosa stood up. 


"Yeah, but I'm injured." 


"You brought those injuries on yourself. I should really sentence you to death for treason." 


"We both know that won't happen." 




Hancock turned away from her and started walking. Gloriosa looked at her for a bit until Hancock stopped. 


"Aren't you coming?" 


Gloriosa frowned. 


"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." 


She jogged a bit and caught up with her. The two then walked together. 


"Where are Marie and Sonia?" 


"I don't know. Looks like they got lost or something." 


Hancock shook her head. 


"It looks like no matter how old we get I must always be the level-headed and mature one." 




Gloriosa said nothing and just side-eyed her. 


"Wow, look. It's Boa Hancock!" 


"Damn, she's more beautiful than the posters." 


The pirates around them were beginning to notice Hancock. 


"Who is that woman beside her?" 


"I don't know but damn she's hot." 


"She doesn't lose to Hancock." 


"I wonder if I should go say-" 


Pink arrows spread out and everyone around them was turned to stone. 


"So annoying." 


Hancock walked with a frown on her face. 


"This is why men other than Luffy are no good." 


She stretched her hand out. 


"Can't they see I'm a married woman?" 


Hancock had a ring on her finger with a diamond the size of an eyeball. The diamond was in the shape of a heart. 


"Where the hell did you get that?!" 


Gloriosa couldn't believe her eyes. 


"Luffy gave it to me." 


"....Girl, you and I both know that's not true. If Luffy was to ever give someone a wedding ring it would be a candy one." 


"Really?... I'm actually ok with that. As long as the world knows I'm his, I would wrap bacon around my finger if I had to." 


Gloriosa shook her head. 


"So, how does it feel to be desired and called beautiful after so long?" 


"....You have no tact at all do you?" 


"I believe in always speaking my mind." 


Hancock showed a proud expression. Gloriosa sighed. 


"Well, if you must know, I feel nothing." 


Gloriosa's eyes became vacant. 


"My love failed a long time ago." 


"I see....I can't relate." 


Hancock evaded a jab from Gloriosa. 


"Do you take pleasure in my suffering?!" 


"What are you talking about?" 


Hancock placed her hand over her heart. 


"Of course, I do." 


Gloriosa's eye started to twitch. 


"Why didn't god make you as ugly as your heart?" 


"She did." 


Hancock smiled. 


"My heart is as beautiful as me." 


Gloriosa looked at her before bursting out in laughter. Hancock's smile grew. 


"See? You can't stay mad at me because I'm-" 


"Your beauty has nothing to do with it." 


Gloriosa looked at her with a smile. 


"I just see you as a bratty granddaughter." 


Hancock smiled and continued walking. 


"Adoptive, of course. Because I'm not going to look like you when I'm old." 


Gloriosa walked behind her. 


"Don't worry, you'll look worse. Otherwise, there's no god." 


"Nah, there's definitely a god." 


"Oh, this is the first time I've seen you so religious. Why are you so certain?" 


Hancock looked at her with a huge grin. 


"Because she put Luffy in my life." 


Gloriosa's eyes widened. A soft smile appeared on her face. 


"You're right. That's all the proof we need." 


Hancock nodded. 






Hancock turned her head and saw Marie and Sonia running towards her. 


"Oh, you two. Where did you go?" 


"That's our line! We were looking for you everywhere!" 


They stopped in front of her breathing heavily. 




They noticed Gloriosa standing beside her. 


"Who's this?" 


"She's wearing Kuja clothing." 


They started looking at her from head to toe. 


"It's Gloriosa." 


Hancock answered with indifference. 




They looked at Gloriosa with a blank expression for a few seconds. 




Their eyes nearly burst out of their heads. Gloriosa smiled at them. 


"H-How? Why?" 


"It's a long story." 


"A story you will tell on your own time." 


Hancock put her hands on Gloriosa's shoulder. 


"Listen up, girls. I have a date with Luffy later." 


"You met up with him? 


Hancock nodded at Sonia. 


"And we're meeting again later." 


"So, you want us to help you plan the date?" 




"Didn't you say you charmed him by yourself? Why do you need our help?" 


"It's true I charmed him, but I need to keep him interested." 


Gloriosa looked at her for a bit. 


"Do you still think he will abandon you?" 




Hancock answered without hesitation. 


"Luffy loves me and would never abandon me, I believe that 100%....Its just that I don't want him to get bored. I want him to always be excited to be around me." 


Hancock's voice was low and lacked confidence. 


(I think just being around you is enough though.....) 


Gloriosa sighed. 


(This girl despite seeming so prideful to the world is still so fragile in times like this.) 


She looked at Hancock. Her body language screamed uncertainty and worry. 


(She trusts that Luffy loves her, but she's afraid he will fall out of love with her if there isn't some excitement.) 


She frowned. 


"This is a very dangerous mindset to have. You can end up overdoing it and create a toxic relationship if you choose the wrong methods to spice up your relationship. For example, you start creating drama and treating your relationship like a soap opera." 




Hancock looked at her in confusion. 


Gloriosa sighed. 


"Don't worry, just blabbing to myself." 


She walked up to Hancock. 


"Alright, here's what you will do." 


She started whispering in Hancock's ear. Hancock's face lit up as she listened. 


"That sounds good. Luffy would love that." 


Gloriosa backed away. 


"Don't worry, your relationship is in the honeymoon stage. It's not the time to worry over trivial stuff. Just focus on having fun together." 




Hancock clenched her fist. 


"I'm going to make Luffy fall deeper in love with me!"