The Slave, The Princess, The Dead

I've come up with a plan to distance myself from all of these. Contrary to what Pa and everyone else believe, a woman can become a full-fledged pirate. I will become one. I don't need an entire fleet to accomplish this colossal feat. All I need is my wits and the guidance of the Gods. It's just a few days left before we dock at Hiraya. Before that, I must polish my plan and at least have a few people know what I'm planning to do. It won't hurt if I get a Plan B if Plan A fails miserably. Then again, I have a great inkling that my mission will be a huge success.

          "Portia, you don't know what you're talking about." Dirkstra comments. With Pa's instruction, he and I stayed in his room but we both knew nothing is going to happen between the two of us. I've already told him my plan.

          "Hiraya has great treasures hidden somewhere in its lands. If I find them, I can prove that women can become more than just decorative tools. If I can prove that, I can become a pirate. I can show Pa that he's wrong!" My voice raises a little more aggressively than I intend.

          "That's just a myth, Portia. You're supposed to be smart, right? You should know that."

          "That's not what the seer says."

          "You spoke with the seer? Don't you know that's a treacherous act? Only the captain and the high ranking officials can speak with him!"

          "Oh, stop whining, Dirkstra. I didn't speak to him. I just overheard a couple of conversations he and Pa had before."

          "Portia, you didn't." Fear is evident from his eyes as he looks at me.

          "Yes, I did. Now, I have a favor to ask. Care to hear me out?" I gently grab his arm. He looks at it and shoves it away.

          "I don't want anything to be part of whatever it is you're scheming, Portia. Our fathers won't simply allow it." He's now pacing in a fixed circle. He can't hold his disturbance to himself.

          "Their blessings won't be needed if they won't know about it." I say, implying for him to not say anything to them.

          "I-I need to think, Portia." He stopped walking back and forth and then headed to the door, leaving me alone here. But as soon as the door opens, someone is already standing on the other side, arms raised and about to knock. "Braum!"

          "Brother!" I stood up from the bed where I was sitting. It's obvious that he's still hurting but when he sees me, his expressions fade and ran stale.

          "Dirkstra, Sister, my apologies. I didn't realize you're both here. I'll leave you two be." Braum says, trying his best to conceal his true emotions. He was about to leave but Dirkstra didn't let him this time.

          He grabs Braum by the arm tightly then says, "Don't. Don't leave me… again." I feel the tension between them subsides but Braum couldn't find the strength to look back at him.

          Braum's timing is impeccable as always. If Dirkstra won't help me, he probably will. He always has my back even when we're young so who am I to doubt that he won't help me now when I need it the most? I rushed towards them, grabbed them both, and hauled them inside the room. Before closing the door, I peer my head to the hallway to make sure that no one's around. If I use the right words, I can have my brother aide me in my cause. He can help me convince Dirkstra as well. Once we're all in this together, my success will be inevitable.

          "No!" Braum howls even before I can finish my whole piece. "It's too dangerous, sister."

          "I can handle it, brother. Are you questioning my capabilities?"

          "I don't but the perils out there can be greater than what we are familiar with. Going out there on your own is suicide."

          "I'm starting to think you've always been the weak crybaby I always known you are. And you too, Dirkstra. You've become soft." I point out. I've offended them as I hoped.

          "I'm not soft, Portia! You may be able to defeat us in combat when we were young but that can't be said now. Look at yourself. You look so fragile. You're a–" His face reddens in anger.

          "A what, Dirkstra? A woman? Is that what you're about to say?" I take it as a great insult. It's like even to him, my closest friend, being a woman is a disadvantage. He went silent.

          "Sister." Braum approaches me, grabbing me by the shoulders to calm me down.

          "I'm so sick of this! I've had enough of people seeing me as someone who's so weak. I didn't think you both see me as such as well. I trusted you both." Dirkstra couldn't respond. He's just looking at my brother, probably hoping that he can talk me out of what I'm planning.

          "Fine. I'll support you, sister. What do you need us to do?"

          "Really, brother? That's fantastic!" I can almost let myself jump for joy.

          "Braum!" Dirkstra is taken aback. "Have you gone mad? The dangers out there are still unknown even to us. How can you let her?"

          "My sister is strong and she is smart. Besides, once she's set on something, you can never talk her out of whatever it is." Braum proudly counters. "I know she already have tons of plans to pave her way to the success of her cause. But of course, I still worry about her. Can you really handle yourself out there, sister? Would you like us to accompany you?"

          "There's no need for the two of you to tag along. It's best for you to stay here and do your duties. I just need your help to escape before we leave Hiraya."

          "We can manage that. Right, Dirkstra?" He looks at him expectantly.

          "B-But the plague, the witch, Dalakethnon…" Dirkstra mumbles almost inaudible.

          As soon as Braum hears that, it almost looks like all the blood in his veins drained. He became so pale that it was like he had seen a ghost. I can sense him contemplating taking his support back. I can't afford that to happen. It's better to have one of them supporting me than none of them at all. I have to tell them everything I've heard from the seer about those concerns. In that way, I can eliminate all the concerns they might have. I must convince at least one of them that I'm more than capable of handling myself out there.

          "The seer said something about them. Believe it or not, I have something to counter them all. Just trust me on this." I say, worrying that it won't be enough.

          "You've spoken to the seer? Your gut is beyond words, sister." That sounds like a compliment. I grin at him.

          I look at Dirkstra. "Besides, our fathers will make sure that our marriage will push through if I stay here. I know you don't want that. I don't want that to happen. You already found the half of your soul." I slowly lay my sights upon my brother. "Right, Braum?" Both of them blush.

          "Fine. What is it you want us to do again?" Dirkstra finally caves in.

          "Dirkstra!" My brother opposes. I can't understand these two.

          "Oh, come now, brother. We don't have all the time in the world to argue. We'll be in Hiraya in a few days. I swear to the Gods that you won't regret aiding me. I will come back stronger, wiser, and wealthier than ever!" I cling both my arms over each of their necks and haul them in for a hug. I always did this to them when we were kids. It's easy then but with their now wide shoulders, I find it a little taxing but I still did it. "I'm here for you." I whisper to their ears. "I'm always here for you."

* * *

Present Day

I already know what to do once Vatic kills the beast. From what Aela said, Vatic will be the only one to savor the treasures Dalakethnon will leave behind. I can't let that happen. The challenge Pa had set will be forfeited. If that happens, everything that I've been fighting for will all be thrown to the dirt and everyone will tell me that I'm wrong all along. They will tell me that I could've just stayed in my lane, I could've just been happy with the role I'm born into and could've just stayed true to the will of the Gods and the men in our society. I can't let that happen. Never.

          "I'm here for you, Vatic!" I say, aiming the blade of one of his daggers to his neck. Adrenaline has given me temporary strength to lift his body up and lean on mine. If I kill him now, the treasures will be all mine. If I slay the one who defeated Dalakethnon, all his riches will be passed on to me. That's what would the seer say, right? I know it is.

          "Portia, what do you think you're doing?" Aela shrieks as she chases me to this place. I thought I saw her smirking but she's actually frantic. Masid is growling right next to her.

          "The treasure will be all mine!" I don't mind sounding hysterical. I don't mind them finding out that I'm really a pirate. That's what they think of me anyway especially that Aela woman. I always knew she didn't buy my altered background story. "Mine I tell you!"

          I find myself contemplating stabbing Vatic. Our memories together flash right in front of my eyes. I can't deny that there was something between us. He likes me to some degree but I know he likes Aela more. Besides, the Portia he likes is the manufactured version of me. He likes the former slave me, not the pirate me. If I've come clean, would he be able to like me still? No. I mustn't let myself be clouded with this nonsense. The treasures are not for those filthy slaves but those are for me and my goals. I don't deserve to be looked down upon. I deserve to be perceived in the same way men do. I deserve to be respected.

          "P-Portia, why?" Vatic asks, still trying to find his consciousness.

          I finally stab him straight to his neck, digging in deeper to make sure I'll do the deed. But then, I feel a strange sensation building up from within me as soon as his blood gushes out and starts to flow toward the dungeon's rocky floor. My insides feel like they're being set ablaze. The fire inside of me is becoming hotter and more unbearable. What's happening to me? When I thought this wouldn't escalate, it did. I find it hard to breathe all of a sudden, a lump appears inside my throat making me more unable to breathe and speak, and my vision blurs with a crimson-colored hue. I'm going to die.

          My body involuntarily falls backward with all its weight, unhanding Vatic in the process as he continues to bleed. I'm starting to sense my consciousness slipping away. I must hold on. This is not how I'm going to die. The treasures are just within my arms' reach. I've promised myself to be more worthy of being called the princess of the Blood Moon pirates. I've promised my brother and my friend that I will be there for them. But, with everything that's happening, I might not be able to. I just wished the Gods would smile upon me. Until my last breath, I was welcomed with their awful frown.

          The fleet will come back sooner or later. If they do, I just hope that they can finish what I've started. With Dalakethnon gone and Vatic dying right next to me, the treasures are all free for the taking. My brother would be so proud, Pa would finally acknowledge me as a full-fledged pirate, my other brothers would look up to me, and Ma would finally see women in a greater light. It's funny to think that after everything that I've been through, the only promise I fulfilled is dying into the seas. Ma is really something else. I feel the corner of my lips perk up before I completely lose everything that's left of me.