I'm With a Goddess


Mother is acting strange. It's probably because of the argument we had before Masid and I ventured toward Hiraya. Her heart is still probably weeping with that exchange of ours. I will surely ask for her forgiveness once she comes back from her second Harvest of the day. It's quite odd that she forgot something because that never happened before. Maybe it's her age catching up to her. I wonder what's really running through her mind as soon as I wake up. Her expressions seem to be somehow calculated. She seems to be hiding something from me. If she does, I have to find out what that is.

          "Hey brother, quit lying around and wake up already." I say, resting my head on Masid's belly. "Saints, you smell as foul as always." I banter. He actually smells good like the forest before a rain.

          There's a peculiar sensation lingering at the back of my mind and I can't pinpoint what that is. A feeling of something missing echoes from beneath the crevices of my brain which triggers an unbearable headache. I head towards the kitchen to get a glass of water to calm my nerves but before I can get myself there, I walk past a mirror hanging steadily in our living area. This mirror is big enough to reflect my entire body. For some reason, I feel like my reflection calls out to me so I slowly but surely walk towards the spot where I can see my entire being.

          I don't see anything out of place but my eyes are drawn towards a specific part of my neck right above my collarbone. Nothing's there aside from my unscathed flesh but I unconsciously reach for it. As soon as my fingers touched that smooth part of my neck, inexplicable flashes of light bombarded my vision, sending me in a panic. I stumble back and away from the mirror, falling on the floor as I trip on my own feet. My reflection watches me sweat intensely. Is this fear, anguish, or rage I'm feeling?

          This awful sensation is unbearable and the physical state I'm is more unbearable as I continue to watch myself in the mirror. Subconsciously, I raise both my hands up aiming towards the mirror, and chant, "Rettahs." I don't even know what will happen exactly but what I want to happen is the mirror to break, vanish, or be gone. However, nothing happened. "Rettahs siht rorrim won." Still nothing.

          To stop this haunting sensation from eating me whole, I grabbed the nearest thing I could and then threw it straight to the mirror. One of Mother's spell books is what's nearest to me. I watch the mirror crack and shatter in multiple shapes and sizes. Every fragment reflects all sorts of stuff but some of them show odd scenes that are obviously not anywhere in the house. I see a calm beach on one fragment, a beautiful fountain with an odd female structure on top of it on another, the Cathedral that's covered in thick mist at night on the next, and some other questionable sights on the rest. What are these?

          All of a sudden, I hear the wind howling not in the house but within the cave. Something is happening and my gut is condemning me to learn what that is. I muster my strength to get a hold of my emotions. After making sure that Masid is well tucked, I brace myself and make my way out to the cave. The entire area is moist because of the recent rain giving another level of beauty to this place. Not to mention the majestic aura the King of Trees gives off. It's become more magical than I last saw it.

          "Vatic." A disembodied whisper echoes from all over.

          "Who's there? Reveal yourself!" I call out. Goosebumps start to cover my flesh.

          "Come here, Vatic." The whisper echoes once more. I can't really tell for sure but it seems to be from a woman's voice.

          "Mother?" I respond into nothingness. The cold air embraces me from all directions.

          "Vatic." I hear the whisper coming from the cave's entrance.

          I remember what Mother said to not get out of the house but my being commands me otherwise. Carefully, I walk towards the cave's entrance. With every step, I feel the wind continues to howl as if I'm about to be transported to a distant baron land. A light from a distance is becoming visible and it feels like gravity is lifting with every step. My mind tells me it's not a good idea but my heart feels like it's being magnetized towards whatever it is that's just right outside of the cave. I must be prepared.

          As soon as I'm in the clearing, I see a woman looking away from me. Her hair is being caressed by the cold wind as it breezes through, her pale skin contrasts against the color of the rocks surrounding the place making her stand out all the more, and she smells as sweet as honey makes my heart skip a beat. Who is this woman? She's ethereal. A minute or two later, she slowly looks in my direction. Looking at her face, it's an understatement to think that she's beautiful. She's beyond that. She's beyond angelic.

          There's a great feeling of familiarity that I sense from her but how? This is the first time I met someone as majestic as this woman. If I didn't know any better, I would think that she's a nymph or even a Goddess. The way she smiles at me makes me want to give in. What sent me into a state of shock was that she started to walk toward me with her arms outstretched. She's acting like she knows who I am and I'm having a feeling that she's expecting me to know her as well. Unintentionally, I welcome her with open arms. The warmth in our hug sends an unimaginable calm to my nerves. I can get used to this.

          "I've come for you, Vatic." She whispers to my ear.

          "Who a–" Before I can even ask who she is, my lips moisten.

          My heart fluttered the moment her lips touched mine. I don't know who this woman is but that deep sense of familiarity knocks on to the doors of my memory. For some reason, something within me isn't letting her come in. The wind sings as it surrounds us, the grounds rumble with every peck, and the warmth in our bodies intensifies. I think I know where it's leading us and I'm not against it. Whoever this ethereal woman is, I'm willing to translate this indescribable adoration and hunger against her skin.

          After almost seizing the air off of her lungs, I grabbed her hands and led her inside the cave to where we could do our love more comfortably. She hesitates for a heartbeat as she grabs me back by the arm. The look I give her is with both concern and confusion. Her face looks blue, shaking her head ever so slightly from right to left. Is she not willing to come inside with me? Why? She looks down slowly in defeat but I lean towards her and search for her soft lips once more. With the wordless attempt to convince her to come with me, she finally agreed. I'm first to enter, outstretching my free hand as we go deeper into the cave. My other hand is gently caressing hers as I pull her along.

          "It's beautiful." I hear her say, eyeing the majestic King of Trees as we walk past it.

          "I agree. Beautiful." I respond. Instead of looking at the tree, My eyes are craving for her summer-colored hair, unblemished skin, and overall mysterious aura. "Truly beautiful."

          She grabs my hands, signaling for us to stop and continue to be mesmerized by how majestic the King of Trees is. Looking at it now, it seems like it's become more otherworldly than before. The aura it's giving off is more calming and more fulfilling for some reason. If it's up to me, I will think that the nymphs and even the Gods who are overseeing the tree and the rest of us are giving permission to do what we're about to do. As I glanced at her to my right, I saw a single tear come out of her eye. She's happy. I can tell. I gently grabbed her by the arms and made her look at me. Without any warning, I started to ravish her which she let me.

          My hands just didn't sit idly on her waists or on her shoulders. My lips aren't satisfied with just her lips anymore. Both of our knees started to melt, sending us stumbling for comfort under the King of Trees' shade. We couldn't wait to be in my room to explore each other's bodily treasures. I let her press over me without breaking our kiss. Our eyes may have been closed most of the time so my hands let me feel and see her entirety. Slightly surprised, she started to take off my clothes so I did the same with her white tunic.

          The rays of light coming from the outside give another layer of beauty as they hit and caress her body. She's an angel that's for sure. I don't know what I did that's so compelling that the Gods themselves are willing to gift me this kind of experience. At some point, I'm convinced that this is just a part of my dream or some twisted hallucination but feeling the softness of her lips on mine, smelling honey from every inch of her skin, and tasting the beauty she gladly offers me, I can be certain that I'm in the waking realm but at the same time I'm in the realm of the Gods.

          With every thrust, moan, and even groan, both of us are reaching our climax but I don't want this to be over yet. This is the most fulfilling sensation I've felt all my life. I open my eyes to once again indulge myself with her immaculate figure drenched in the glistening moisture of our combined sweat. The way she looks at me makes my insides even more hungry for her. She must've sensed it as she raised her right hand to my sweaty face and then let her thumb nibble in my mouth. I. Want. Her.

          I let her anchor her arms around my neck so I could carry her faultless body while I was still inside her. Pressing her gently to the King of Trees' side, I continue to shower her with love. She started to kiss me once again to silence herself from her grunts and whimpers but I don't mind with those really because they've become music to my ears at this point. Her lips are equally a good deal so our lips dance along with our heavy breaths. Her taste becomes sweeter as I come closer and closer to my arrival so I change my pace as I lay her back on the grassy floor.

          She grabs me by my back pulls me towards her then whispers, "Don't stop." Her nails dug into my skin.

          "I don't plan to." I whisper back. Her smile glistened sharply and then my mouth was magnetized on hers once again.

          The rustling of the nearby leaves as the wind howls past them offers an unusual tune that I mirror with every thrust. With whatever's driving every motor of my body, I don't want to focus on anything else but her. I don't want to mind that we're sharing our love in an open space inside this vast cave covered in nothing but our own sweat. What should I be worried about anyway? There's no one living in the island, Mother is out for her Harvest with her familiar, and Masid is resting peacefully in the house.

          "Vatic." She mumbles under her breath.

          "Ae-Aela." I say. The confusion startles me ever so slightly making me maneuver on her body slower than desired but the smirk on her pulls me back to my hunger for her. So, is that what her name is? Who is she? Who is Aela?