Chapter 1


Unlike noon, the morning is free and calm. You can hear the sound of the bird chirping and you can feel the cool breeze.

I had left my chamber to go to Liliana's room. I want to be with her again. I don't know why I kept returning to her room every morning. It's like I am bewitched by her calmness and kind eyes. 

I walked inside her. I trace my fingers along her curved body. Letting my finger linger on her tiny and thick legs. I made a room for myself beside her. It has been like this for a year now, this is the first time I have ever been in a relationship with someone I truly love and care about. 

I gazed at her eyes as she slept deeply. Allowing my kind eyes to draw me closer to her. I touch and rub my hand on her brown straight hair.

She woke up and stretched up her body. The first one she always says to me every morning "Good Morning" She speaks with her mouth curved in a circle. 

"How was your night, my love" She hurried out, with her words not leaving her mouth as she checked the time on the wall. "It is 7:00 am and you are holding me up like the lady of the house." "You know your mother won't be happy seeing us together, you need to leave so I do the house chores."

"Come back here and sit, you respect my decision first, and you are aware that I am the Alpha of this pack, and any decision I make is final"

She finally ran back to the bed.

"We have no choice if your mother doesn't want me, I know you want me, but you need to care about what people would say and besides you have been telling me that you would marry me, I am still here waiting, what hope do I have?"

I breathe in and out deeply, speechless.

"You still need to wait, we have been in a relationship for a year and I want you to be calm, it is going to be less than a month, till I let everyone know my Luna"

"I hope so, just let me go and do the house chores"

"Alright, I will be here waiting for you"


Liliana POV

Everything about me didn't impress me but whenever I remembered that I was being loved by the Alpha, I cheered up, regardless we would get married and nobody would be able to look down on me. By then, those who have mocked me including my stepmother and stepbrother will come to plead.

What I just need to do is to have patience and trust him.

I was still thinking and soliloquizing when someone badge into the room.

My heart skipped when I raised my head and saw the Alpha's mother.

"Hey, Liliana" 

"Good Morning ma" I greeted sharply.

"I am here to advise you like my daughter, not think you have successfully bewitched me and that I didn't know about everything that going on, I am aware of it but decided to be mute about it till the time I would be chanced to talk"

"What is that ma'am" My voice wasn't bold enough but I managed to speak out, we all know the Alpha's mother to be wicked, telling me she came here to advise me like a mother is just a mere talk to deceive me.

"Are you trying to deceive me? Do you think anything would be happening in this chamber and I won't know about it? Come off it, isn't son, Alpha Lucas deceiving you?"

My heart beat so fast, that it was obvious, how did she know? Who told her? Well, I am sure she just knows about this, I can still deny it, if she had known sooner, she would have talked about it.

"You are not talking?" 

"Well, that is not true, Alpha Lucas just likes me and always wants me around him, there's nothing of such between the both of us"

"Come off it, are you telling me I am lying, I wouldn't be here telling you if I haven't confirmed it, you know me very well and you shouldn't be here denying what I was sure of"

"I…well" my mouth was trembling and I kept stammering without saying anything meaningful.

"I just want to warn you like my daughter, Alpha Lucas would never marry you, you can't be the Luna, be very sure of it, he is only deceiving you"

I didn't even know what was going on, I kept on sweating profusely, even when the breeze was cool

"Do you hear me clearly" 

"Yes….yes…I do"

She nodded her head affirmatively and exited the door, and I can say, my heart was a beat clam, I breathed in and out heavily.

I opened the door some minutes after, to be sure she wasn't around and when I was sure she wasn't around, I went straight to Alpha's Lucas room.

I was sure nobody was there, so I entered without knocking.

"What is it?" He got scared by the way I ran in.

"Something is going on, Everyone is now aware of what we have been hiding, it's no longer a secret"

"You mean people know we are in a relationship, how? Who?"

"Your mother" I whispered.

"How did she get to know, we both make sure people do not suspect, how does she get to know"

"Do you think I could answer your question? How would I know how she knows, you should be the one to answer that, moreover, she said you were just playing me and that you couldn't get married to me"

"How is that possible? And you believe her, I am the one that needs a wife, and I am choosing you, not my mother choosing for me"

"I am scared, you know your mother can be so mean"

"Don't focus on her, focus on me, she can do nothing" Alpha Lucas said and without even hearing the sound of someone coming towards the room or even a knock, we saw Alpha's mother.

I forgot to lock the room after coming in.