Chapter 5

The food I was holding on my hands poured on the floor...I was shivering while standing.

why would he want to impregnate me and give my child to his wife?

The pains he had caused were enough and I won't let him cause more pain. I won't let him touch me, talk more of having anything to do with me, enough of the pain.

I ran back to the kitchen to take something I would use to pack the food.

I wasn't in a good state of mind though, but I pretended nothing happened.

I pleaded with the chef to give me another portion of food, which she did. I went to her room, then knocked and she finally told me to enter.

I entered and didn't meet anyone, but Odetta, I served her food on the table, and I was about to leave when she called me.


I turned back.

"Thank you Lilliana" She stood up from where she sat and came to my front, "Don't you mind sharing my husband with me, you also don't look bad, you are beautiful"

I smiled, pretending not to know what's going on

"He is not my type anymore" 

She laughed broadly, "If an Alpha isn't your type, then tell me who is your type? A weak omega?"

"That is never your concern Odetta"

She was pained by my reply, but she hid it, "I just think you should be on good terms with me and the Alpha, he is the Alpha of the pack you stay in, and you should be glad the wife of the Alpha is saying this, be in good terms with us"

"Is there any problem if I don't want to"

"Well, I know you are still angry, but you just have to calm down, you can forgive and forget, it wasn't my fault that he chose me over you to rule this pack"

"Please, I have other things to do"

I was about to go when she held my hand.

"Lilliana, I am sorry, I just think we should be friends, this chamber was going smoothly before my arrival, I shouldn't cause any problem"

I became furious, at the way she was uttering words from her mouth, how could someone be this wicked, all their plans would fail. I couldn't control myself anymore.

"So your husband can sex me, and give my child to you? It's not possible, I know your plan, and it's not going to be fulfilled"

She slapped me.

I touched my cheeks. "You can again, you are free to slap me anyhow you want, how can you be so wicked…"

I was talking when Alpha and his mother walked in.

"You can do whatever you want with me, but having sex with me and giving my child to someone else will not be possible, what else do you all want? Is it my fault that I am a maid? What have I done to deserve all these from you, you broke my heart and what you think you should do next is to forcefully get me pregnant" I yelled.

"Whoa, you know about it," The Alpha's mother said while she walked around me "Who do you think you are talking or yelling to? I mean what audacity do you have Lilliana, you are just a maid, you should know your place, I didn't blame you, I blame my son, for choosing to use you when there are other pretty ladies out there"

"So you are well pleased with your son having sex and dumping them? I didn't blame you too Lucas, who would have this mother and not do what you did"

Alpha Lucas's Mother slapped me again.

"Never you talk to my mother this way, never you talk to her, who are you? You know I can order the guards to kill you"

"Not as if you would, because you have a plan"

"Wait, please I don't understand what's going on? Like Lilliana? You? I know you are being pained, but the audacity is what I don't know of, You? He would use you again, and there's nothing you would do about it"

"Really? And you think I would sit and watch you do whatever you want with me? Enough with all that, not anymore" 

I said and left angrily.

"Hope she didn't harm you, Odetta, because this girl is becoming another thing, and I would deal with her"

"No, I am fine, I am just shocked, how did she know of our plan?"

"She must have been at the door side when we were discussing, we were not careful enough, but do not care about that, she has no choice"


Right now, I know I have no choice other than to accept what they want me to do, but I don't want to.

I plan to run away. I was waiting for everywhere to become dark, so the guards would have dozed off so I could utilize my plan, then go to any pack for now. I just need peace of mind.

I am tired of going from one problem to another.

Everywhere was becoming darker, but the guards were still active. I was watching them. I took no clothes because I didn't want anyone to suspect me at all.

I went to the room to sleep small, to avoid anyone suspecting me.

I went out to see, and I met no guards. I went to take my bracket and I was about to run away when I heard people laughing.

I turned back and I saw Odetta, Alpha Lucas, and his mother.

I ran, Alpha Lucas chased me, he caught me, then dragged me to his chamber.

He dragged me to his room, in particular, his wife and mother were watching and laughing.

"Please, forgive me, I won't do that anymore" I cried

"So you want to run away"

"I am not running away, I just want to get something please"

He removed his trousers and now I know there's nothing I can do, other than to accept.

I watched him remove his clothes, and tears flooded my cheeks

He forcefully undressed me and raped me.