Chapter 45 - Conviction

Through his improvements, he eventually began landing some hits on Katya. Nothing which really wounded her, but enough to once again raise the Iron Sentinel's impression of him through his quick learning ability.

Now, Erik stood across from Katya, panting and with various bloody smears all over his body but with unwavering determination in his wolfish, amber eyes and a bloody grin on his face.

Luckily, his regeneration was faster than most others, so his cuts and bruises had already healed.

Yet he would consider himself lucky this woman was more interested in sparring with and teaching him than actually defeating him. Otherwise, he suspected he would have already been turned into a bloody smear on the ground.

He panted, "I'm not…done yet…!"

Katya grinned, genuinely enjoying her time with Erik. She had some red spots on her body and some gashes in her clothes, but mostly, she was in much better condition than Erik.