Chapter 131 - Morning training [2/2]

Erik grinned as he looked at the squirming Olaf. He may not have Elora merged with his body right now, which would make fighting a powerful werebear like Viljar again a bit more complicated. However, he could still overwhelm a relatively weak werewolf like Olaf.

After all, not only was Erik farther along on his Runebound path than Olaf, but he also had no less than two powerful bloodlines flowing through his body.

"Y- You! L- Let me go!" he groaned.

Erik chuckled menacingly, "First, explain what you were trying to do with my woman over there."

"N- Not! Y- Yours!" came the strangled response.

"Isn't she?" Erik responded with an amused smirk before turning towards Nora. "Do you have anything to say about that?" 

Until now, Nora had just been watching this with some interest. It may not be the first time someone got possessive with her, but it was the first time a man had not only called her his woman but also defended her so dominantly.