Chapter 186 - Catching up [2/2]

When Erik stopped in front of them, Emma quickly jumped off Astrid's back and ran to Erik with a broad smile on her face. "Master!" she exclaimed with clear joy in her voice. "I knew you'd make it back! You never let me down!"

A deep conviction was buried behind her final statement, and it only got more profound with every one of Erik's victories.

One could only wonder what would happen when Erik failed for the first time. Would it break her, or would she become the rock shielding him, as she stated back in Frostvik?

Only time would tell.

When Emma nearly reached Erik, she suddenly stopped. Concern marred her face as she frowned. "Master?" she asked. "W— What's wrong?"

Emma's uncanny intuition was at work again when Erik's smile didn't fool her for a second. His wrath and desire for revenge may have been pushed down further, but his concern for Elora was still barely below the surface, and Emma easily picked up on it.