Chapter 203 - Alice [1/3]

"Indeed, you are correct, Miss Eleni. We're not here for that," Alistair replied, his voice imbued with a tone of undeniable authority, as he nonchalantly waved his hand, dismissing the matter entirely.

"I see," Eleni responded, her eyebrow arching in a blend of surprise and curiosity. She pivoted slightly, her gaze drifting towards Erik, who lingered in the back of the room. 

His attention was scattered, exploring the room's every corner with an evident interest, while Elora, utilizing her omnisense, scoured the vicinity for any scrap of research data she could find. Not even the encrypted contents of computer drives could elude her keen senses.

"So, what might I assist you with then?" Eleni inquired, her gaze still locked on Erik's werewolf form, seamlessly enveloped in his sleek, dangerous-looking black armor.