Chapter 267 - Coming out [1/2]

Both Erik and Elora were incredibly tired as they had already gone past their originally planned break, so they were pretty burned out. They obviously couldn't quit when they were so close to the goal.

But, their efforts payed off. And with that realization came a surge of adrenaline that temporarily wiped out any and all exhaustion.

Still holding his big grin, Erik held up his hands, a few inches apart, and palms facing each other. Power flowed through his hands, and an icy-cold orb, crackling with lightning appeared between his hands.

It was like there was a tiny thunderstorm with snow instead of rain, raging inside that orb, and Erik couldn't help but laugh.

Not only did he now have access to a fourth tier affinity, but he had fused it himself!

Pride swelled within him as he continued to stare into the depths of the orb between his hands, reveling in the power and possibilities that came with this.