Chapter 303 - Cleansing Emily

A few minutes later, Emily was sitting in a black dome, much like the ones used during training, except this one couldn't be opened from the inside. A measure they had taken to protect everyone.

Emily had her eyes closed and trembled a little as she knew what would soon be coming.

Suddenly, she felt it. The shackles that had kept her soul simultaneously locked in servitude to Erik, and protected from the corrupting influence of darkness affinity, had started to loosen.

Then, the shackles broke.

Emily gasped, as her eyes widened in fear. All the negative emotions she had felt back in Muonio came flooding back. 

Her obsessive desire to have Erik all to herself.

Her twisted wish to protect Emma, no matter the cost.

Her blood lust began to rise exponentially.

All these feelings and desires blended together to abruptly, that the corrupted Emily was suddenly and instantly consumed with a single thought.

Kill Emma.