Chapter 497 - Story time [2/2]

Next up was their meeting with Viljar and Runa naturally smiled fondly at their reunion. "He's a good man, but Edda's betrayal and Ingrid's death devastated him," she smiled sadly. "When I decided to leave, I used my technique on Jonas, because… frankly, I wasn't sure Viljar could handle it." 

"He seemed to be doing good when I met him," Erik reassured her. "Remember, it's been five years since you left. He's had some extra time to come to terms with what happened." 

Runa groaned slightly, "Ugh, don't remind me. I hope those memories come back quick, because I hate having a hole in my mind." Then she smiled softly, "But I'm glad he's doing better." 

At the same time, Erik couldn't help but dread one particular memory returning: that of his mother nearly killing him. But that was a problem for a later date.