Chapter 561- Strange rune

With Emily soothed as well, Erik sent her back into his dimension and got back to his feet. As he did, his armour creaked and croaked as it retreated into its armguard form. It was still severely damaged from when he basically exploded his own body, and this would make it easier for Eira to work on restoring it.

"Are you alright now, Master?" an anxious Eira asked through their bond. Most of her energy and brain power was aimed at restoring the armour to working order, but she could still hold a conversation with him at least.

"Hehe, yeah, I'm fine, Eira," he chuckled in response. He laughed because he could hear the worry in her voice. He realized she'd already made a decision regarding the choice he put in front of her a little while ago, even if she hadn't said the words yet.

Why? Because she asked about his well-being before she asked about the obvious: his conversation with the old man, her mistress' partner.