Chapter 568 - Divinity?**

Sometime later, Erik's eyes slowly fluttered open again. The first thing he noticed was that his crotch felt surprisingly wet and tingly. Raising an amused eyebrow, he sat up slightly and was presented with a beautiful sight: the naked pair of Nora and Anne, slobbering over his cock.

He was still lying on the couch, so Anne was sitting on top, between his legs, and gently sucking the tip, her hands crossed behind her back, while Nora worked his shaft from the floor, with hands and tongue.

"Girls…" Erik yawned, still fighting off the remnants of sleep. "It's not that I don't enjoy what you're doing, but I could have used a few more hours of rest…"

Nora looked up from her work, but continued massaging him with her hands. "We're sorry, Master," she purred flirtatiously, her eyes shining with devotion and desire. "You asked us to wake you when the army was getting ready to move back, so…"