Chapter 577 - A condition

Ankhur chuckled at Erik's ambition. "Well, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised." Then, he raised an eyebrow, "That said… Are you sure those distractions will stop them from coming back for now? That leader of theirs seemed awfully interested in you."

Smirking, Erik shrugged. "Nothing is certain, Ankhur. But if Imogene wants me, she'd be better served by sending powerful, singular agents rather than an army, and she's not stupid."

Shaking his head confidently, he continued, "Her resources must already be heavily invested in Europe, so if she turned around now to focus on us instead, she'd lose quite a lot as well as risk being attacked in the back by the European Council. There's no way she'll do that when sending agents after me would work just as well."

Ankhur frowned at his seeming dismissal of the obvious problem. Next to him, Naeku also looked at Erik with a worried expression. "You…. don't seem particularly worried about that."