Chapter 6

"That was a good hit Sato"

I complimented him as He nodded and said "If you didn't catch that wolf that jumped at us we would have been goners". We both looked at each other as we stayed silent for a bit, still a little shaken by the recent deaths we've witnessed.

"Kirin let's get moving"

Sato said as he tried to break the silence, I looked at him and nodded as we headed over to a dirt pathway in the open field. We walked for some time as I heard a voice cry out "Help!! Kirin Help!!" We both stopped as we saw Rina running towards us at point break speed. She then ran behind me and stayed behind me as we saw a blood wolf running at us.

"Rina stay behind me!"

I said as Sato and I pulled out our swords again and tried to engage the fight to the blood wolf. Sato rushed in and swung at the wolf but missed after it dodged Sato's attempt. I readied myself as the blood wolf ran in-between my legs and headed straight towards Rina.

"Rina parry the attack!!"

I shouted at her as she pulled out the dagger I gave her on the first day, she then braced for the blood wolf's attack as she accidentally parried the hit. "Now's your chance!!" I shouted at her as she looked and the blood wolf was in a stunned state. She took no time to slash the blood wolf multiple times at a quick pace. "You did it Rina!" I said as I ran over sheathing my sword. She looked at me with mixed emotions running through her head.


Rina stuttered, still shaken at what happened as I tried to comfort her. "Hey calm down Rina" I said as she dropped the dagger and hugged him. My face turned red as Rina said "I...I don't think I would have survived..." as I helped her up and handed her a teleport crystal. "Rina use this and get back to the Town of Beginnings" I told her as she looked at it and looked back at me, asking me "What about you?".

"I'll be okay, I can handle whatever is out here"

I said to her to comfort her as she used the Teleport crystal to teleport to the Town of Beginnings, "let's keep going Sato" I said to him as he said "Lead the way" following behind me. We began walking towards Tolbana as we saw the small town not too far from us. "Huh so there is a town outside of here" I said as we headed over to Tolbana without a second thought. As we walked into Tolbana, a Safezone effect was applied as Sato exhaled with relief.

"A Safe Zone... finally.."

Sato said as we sat down on a bench as we both exhaled with relief. "Man it feels nice to be on a bench for some reason" Sato said as I replied "Yeah same.." as we both then heard a ruckus nearby. We then saw a man standing out from the crowd, shouting about a meeting. We hardly heard anything as Sato and I were tired down to our virtual bones.

We both looked at an Inn nearby as we headed over to the Inn, getting separate rooms to sleep in for the time. "Man it's already noon..." I thought to myself as I looked out the window and saw the sun beginning to set. "I could use some sleep for now..." I thought again as I laid down onto the bed and looked at the ceiling, wearing no gear but my normal clothes.

I then swiped to open my menu and checked my level out of curiosity, "Level 8..." I thought once again as I tried to sleep for the evening. Within my dream, I woke up within my bedroom. I turned my head to the side, seeing my room where all my things were set up. "A..Dream..?" I thought as I tried to get up but couldn't even if I wanted to, "Dreams...Is it possible to dream within a virtual world...?" I thought as my dream severed from my sleep, waking up around 5 in the morning.

I opened my eyes to see the door of the Inn, seeing orange and yellow slowly rising up, sitting up and feeling the gust of wind come in from the open window. "This...This is my new life now..." I thought to myself as my train of thought went on.

"Maybe...It might not be that bad...It's...very beautiful... Maybe...I can be happy here... be someone I couldn't before..." as my train of thought was stopped from the sounds of chattering outside. I got up and equipped my armor again and left the Inn and headed towards the coliseum. "Maybe I can meet more Beta testers around here.." I thought as I walked into the coliseum and looked at the players sitting there.

One of the players that was there I instantly recognized, His black hair and gray eyes were almost recognizable for any other beta players that were around, we looked and glared at each other as we recognized each other. His name...was Kirito...