Chapter 16

I looked around in the building, seeing its interior and amazed at the amount of detail the interior goes through. Toru was just as amazed as I looked around the house, walking through the house and inspecting all parts of the house. I walked back to the living room and sat down on a comfy couch as Toru then said to me "Can I use your room to change Kirin?" as I nodded saying "help yourself out while you're still here Toru". She then headed off to change as I sat and began to relax a bit.

"Y'know... Maybe just maybe... being stuck here isn't so bad after all... I mean, just look at the interior, the day and night cycles... It's almost perfect for someone to live in..."

I thought as I heard footsteps walking out, I turned my attention as I saw Toru wearing a Skirt and a pink shirt as she had all of her battle armor off. I sat there staring at her awed at her appearance and was somewhat in a blissful state, she looked at me and said "Kirin, Earth to Kirin!" as I snapped out of it and looked at her confused.

"Are you not gonna change out of That?"

Toru asked as I looked at my clothes, "Oh right, sorry" I told her and got up, quickly walking to my room thinking to myself in a heightened mindset "DID SHE SEE THAT!!! OH GOD I HOPE SHE DIDN'T SEE THAT!!".

I quickly changed out of my battle armor as there was a clothing rack in the closet, I racked my jacket and my sword in the closet. I walked out to the living room and sat down on a cushion away from Toru as we were awkwardly sitting and looking away from each other. The silence filled the air of the log cabin as I then said to break the silence "Toru... Can you cook?" as I looked at her.

Toru looked back at me as she said "I can cook, my skill is okay!" she said as she brought up her skill set, swiping right for me to see. I looked at her skillset as she had proficiency 5 in Melee, proficiency 4 in cooking, proficiency 4 in movement, and everything else was proficiency 1. I tried very hard to not judge her stats as I swiped left to bring the menu back to her.

"Would you like to see mine?"

I told Toru as she looked at me and her cheeks began to redden a bit, she nodded as I brought up my stats and swiped left to show her, She looked at my stats as they were proficiency 7 in 1h Sword, proficiency 2 in blacksmith, and proficiency 5 in movement, meanwhile everything else was in proficiency 1. I waited for her to swipe right to give my box back as I noticed she was taking a rather long time to swipe, I looked at her as she was just staring at my stats with a small smile and more reddened cheeks. I looked and looked away as I sighed with a small smile.

I then thought to myself "Yeah...Maybe getting stuck in here, in this world... can't be that bad after all..." as she swiped right. I put my menu away as we both began talking for a good while. After Thirty minutes of talking, Toru then asked me "Is it alright if I can take a bath in your bathroom?" as I nodded. Toru got up and walked over to the restroom and saw how much space there was. "This bathroom looks amazing!!" She said in excitement, the tub itself looked more like a hot tub rather than a normal tub, Toru then unequipped all of her clothes and got into the bath.

She took her bath in a blissful moment as the walls of the bathroom were soundproof for maximum privacy for people in the bathroom. Toru sat in the tub and looked up at the ceiling, thinking about things as her mind drifted towards Kirin little by little as her face grew a little red again, covering her face and kicking the water a bit, "STOP IT STOP IT STOP ITTT!!" she thought as she was embarrassing herself. Meanwhile, I was sitting in the living room as I yawned a bit, laying down on the couch thinking to myself "I guess I'll close my eyes for a bit..." as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Toru got out of the shower a few minutes later as she had dressed in new clothes and saw Kirin, sleeping soundfully on the couch. "Oh, He's sleeping" She thought to herself as Toru walked over to him and sat near him. She then grabbed one of his arms and lifted him back into a sitting position, as the force of her pulling had made me lean onto her shoulder.

Toru blushed as she smiled and laid her head on mine, smiling as she also closed her eyes saying in Japanese "I want to stay by your side forever...Kirin..." before dozing off to sleep as well.