Chapter 5

Toru and Asuna looked at us confused at why we're laughing, "Are you two alright? You two don't have the forced laugh effect on" Asuna questioned us as I replied "No, It's just between us. Right Kirito?" as he nodded. Toru walked up to me and got up close to my face saying "No secrets between us! Remember!!" as she pouted furiously, "alright alright, but it wasn't you who was asking Toru" I said to her.

Toru's left eye twitched a little as she then pulled me by the ear. I was in both emotional and physical pain "OW OW OW!! TORU OW!!" I shouted out in pain as Toru said "Remember who's in charge of this relationship!!". Kirito chuckled a bit as Asuna gave him a serious look. He looked at Asuna a bit worried saying "Y-You're not gonna do that to me... Right?" as Asuna gave a sinister smirk to him, eventually dragging him along by dragging him by his feet. Asuna caught up to Toru as I looked at Kirito and Kirito looked at me, both in pain.

By the end of the day we were at a restaurant, sitting at a table that we all were at. Kirito and Asuna were on one side while Toru and I were on the other. I was rubbing my ear as Kirito was checking for rugburns. Meanwhile, Asuna and Toru were talking about their day as Kirito and I began eating the Chef's choice platter THEY ordered. Kirito looked around quickly as I looked at him confused, he then opened up his menu and handed me a map. I looked at the map as he whispered to me "Don't let Toru know, this is between us alright?" as I nodded, putting the map in my inventory.

We quickly went back to "acting normal" by eating and drinking water, Toru and Asuna eventually got their food as they ate and we sat there waiting for them to finish. While we waited, Kirito and I were trying to flick field goals with a small napkin, but every time we flicked it, it would shoot off at a rocket's speed.

"Maybe we should try something heavier.." I told Kirito as he had an idea and pulled out a small metal ball. Kirito aimed it and flicked it, the ball had enough weight to fall as it flew into my (hand) goal. "That works" I told him as he made his and I tried flicking it. We played for a while before the girls finished eating their food and paying for the food. When we walked out of the restaurant, Asuna spotted a person walking as she shouted "Mito!".

I turned my head to where she was shouting as the person had stopped to look over, we all looked and we saw it was Mito. Asuna waved as Mito walked over to us, Kirito and I were surprised to see Mito as Toru walked over to her. Mito looked over to Toru, asking Asuna "Who's this?" as Asuna replied "Oh her! This is Toru, my friend". Toru waved smiling as Mito spoke to Asuna in Japanese "Oh, Then what about Mr. Showoff over there?" as Kirito replied "I'm not a showoff!!" almost immediately.

Asuna replied "He's okay, he's not giving me trouble" chuckling a bit. "Then what about you Toru? How is your man doing?" Mito said with a straight face as Toru replied, stuttering in Japanese "H-h-he's fine!" bowing quickly.

Mito waved her hand saying "No need to bow, we're not being formal here" as they all chuckled to keep the positive vibe up. Meanwhile, Kirito and I were a little annoyed eavesdropping on their conversation. We both sighed briefly and heard footsteps behind us, we turned around to see Klein and a couple of his friends from his guild, Fuurinkazan. "Is that Klein?" I said as Klein and his friends were a bit farther out, Kirito took a good look and nodded saying "Yeah, it's him alright". we saw that Klein seemed to be a bit downed at something.

"Did something happen to him?"

I thought to myself as I asked Kirito "Should we go and ask him?" as Kirito replied "No, I don't think he's in the mood to be having questions". "I see, Alright then" I replied as we turned around to see Mito, Asuna and Toru gone. "Annnnd they're gone" Kirito said like it's happened before, I looked at him confused and said "What has Asuna been putting you through?" as he sighed.

"C'mon, let's go get Sato"

Kirito said, completely ignoring my question. But I brushed it off as I replied "Oh, sure" I was a bit confused as I messaged Sato, "Hey Sato, you got a minute?" waiting for a response. "Yeah, What's up?" he replied with a response message as I had a brain fart for a second, I then messaged him "can you meet us at this dungeon?" as I sent him the message and the coordinates to the dungeon.

"Alright, See you in like 5 to 10 minutes."

Sato replied back as I nodded at Kirito, we then headed out of the town and walked towards the dungeon that looked similar to the labyrinth. When we got there, we met up with Sato and made a party for all three of us. Our levels were all almost on par with each other as Sato was Level 84, I was level 85, and Kirito was level 86.

"Alright, let's do this"

I told them as we opened the doors to the dungeon floor. I walked in as I held the most health out of the group, seeing a bunch of dungeon monsters in the way. Kirito and Sato unsheathed their swords, running in as I just remembered I don't have a weapon. I pulled up my inventory and I equipped another lower tier weapon as I sighed, rushing in after closing my menu. 

Sato spun around and swung his sword straight up, breaking a guard block from a lizardman. Kirito rushed in and slashed the lizardman with a three hit combo.

I ran past them to rush underneath an empowered demonic servant and slash its back crystal, breaking it's barrier. "Switch in!" I shouted as Kirito rushed over and jumped, slashing the head off as it shattered.

We kept running ahead, shattering monsters left and right while maintaining a sustainable health pool. More empowered demonic servants and Lizardman kept getting in our way as we rushed over to what seems like a safe spot of the dungeon. We reached the safe spot as we all took a breather. "Is everyone okay?" I asked, breathing heavily as they nodded. Sato said "This dungeon seems a little too easy..." as Kirito added on "Yeah...Thank god I asked Argo for the map layout.".

We all laughed a bit as we then saw a large door off in the distance, I walked over towards it as Sato and Kirito followed behind. "This must be the dungeon boss then.." I muttered underneath my breath, as we touched the doors. "Wait" Sato said as we looked at him confused, "let's get our teleportation crystals out just in case" he said as we looked between each other. "That is our safest option." I said as we all took out a teleportation crystal.