Girl of the Night

That night I opened my laptop and began the game. I might just be over reacting and the book I found was just some prank.

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You wake up and start reading the book. After the night before you can't help but try and find anything to defend yourself if something like that happens again. you find a small a pocket knife your dad had left in a box beyhe left years ago. Placing the knife in your pocket gave you a small sense of comfort.

You went to the store to get some food to eat. But as you came it out you noticed you were being followed now. A girl in black jacket and pants ts with long black hair and pale skin. Her eyes seemed to be red even.

"Crap." You mutter to yourself.

You speed up your walking pace but she seems to keep up effortlessly before she turns away suddenly. Maybe she wasn't following you really but still something wasn't right.

You make your way home putting the food away and hear a knock at your door.

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A knock comes from my door suddenly and after just reading that I'm extremely creeped out. I decided to ignore it and keep playing instead.

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You chose to ignore the knocking continue putting the food away. You make yourself some food and close the fridge finally sitting down to watch some TV. Eventually you fall asleep and in the morning head to school. Nothing eventful happened besides the teacher saying a new student will be arriving tomorrow.

Option one-Spend the night learning from the book William gave you.

Option two-Spend the night working on yourself and work out to build up stats.

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"All my stats are so low. If I get into another fight I'd prefer to be able to at least escape." I say to myself as I pick option two."

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You spend the night working on yourself physically. As you do so you notice your stats increase as you feel both lighter and stronger.

Name-Jackary Fangs

Class Human

Class Vampire 1%

Speed: E rank

Strength: E rank

Charisma: F+ rank

Mana: N/A

In the morning you notice your skin can't stand the sun you and refuse to stand in it as you wait for night. As it becomes dark and you look outside you feel hungry but each time you try to eat something it tastes awful and unfilling so you walk out into the night.

A young man is walking by a alleyway as your right behind him nonone else is watching.

Option one-shove him into the alley and drink his blood.

Option two- attack immediately and drag his body dead already into the alley.

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"If I can kill him from behind quickly then he can't scream for help at least." I say as I pick option two.

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You snapped the man's neck instantly killing him from behind dragging him and draining his blood dry. But as you finish two men with a cross on the shirts walk down towards you each pulling out a wooden stake.

Option one-take off running and hope to escape

Option two- turn them into your next meal and risk dying as well but if you win it means nore food.

You take off running as they chase after you but somehow your legs are faster then not all and you manage to outpace them until a sudden boom goes through the air and you feel a actual arrow in your shoulder and your lean against the wall.

"What the hell. The Actually have crossbows. What are you guys even." You say as you turn to face them.

"We're the people who hunt your kind demon." The older hunter says as he tosses the crossbow aside and charges at you with the wooden stake.

[Speed Check- ... ... ... Failed]

[Strength check ... ... ... Failed.]

You barley duck in time avoiding the stabbing to the face but his knee comes up sending you backwards and onto your back as his knee hit your face.

"Die wretched spawn." Theolder Hunter said as he plunged the wooden stake for your chest.

But then he went flying backwards with a black glass shard in his chest.

The older hunter coughed up blood as he looked at his friend.

"Run. She's here." The older hunter said as he tried to crawl away but couldn't. The shard was clearly in very deep and he wouldn't survive.

The same girl you saw on the street before stepped in front of you looking at the two. Her hair inches from your face as you tried to get up.

"Sorry I'm a little late. I had a few things to take care of."

She raised her hand as shadows turns solid like glass shards between her fingers and she threw them out in a quick speed and a flick of the wrist.

The other hunter couldn't dodge in time either as he tried to run taking them directly and he screamed in pain as he died.

"Be careful okay dear." She said with a small smile and with a blink of the eye she was gone.

[New character Discovered-Felina Fang]

Name-Felina Fangs

Class Vampire

Class Vampire Princess 95%

Speed: B+ rank

Strength: C rank

Charisma: B rank

Mana: B

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"Holy crap that was cool. And the cinematic looked so real. Damn she looked beautiful well." I said instantly feeling like a weirdo.