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Kiba, who had been watching the exchange with a mix of anger and awe, looked at Horyu with newfound respect. He had always resented Horyu for his defeat at the Academy, but witnessing his strength and sense of justice shifted Kiba's perspective. "Impressive," he muttered under his breath, his respect for Horyu visibly growing.

Sakura, still holding onto Sasuke, glared at Horyu. "You didn't have to be so harsh," she snapped, her protective instincts for Sasuke overriding her judgment.

Sasuke, supported by Sakura, scowled at Horyu, his pride wounded. "This isn't over, Horyu," he hissed, his eyes burning with a mix of frustration and resentment.

Ino, witnessing the scene, smiled subtly before turning to leave with Shikamaru and Choji. Her smile was enigmatic, reflecting her complex feelings about the whole situation.

Horyu returned to where Hinata and Shino were waiting. His expression was stoic, but there was a hint of satisfaction in his stance.

"We need to move on," Horyu said, turning his attention to the task at hand. "We have our own targets to hunt."

Hinata nodded, her demeanor still shaken from the earlier event but determined to follow through. Shino hummed in agreement.

The trio ventured deeper into the forest, their senses heightened and alert. Hinata's Byakugan scanned the area, while Shino's insects buzzed ahead, scouting the terrain.

After an hour of careful tracking, they came upon their first target—a massive boar. Its tusks glistened menacingly in the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees.

Horyu used his Observe skill on the massive boar before them. The System interface flickered into view, detailing the creature's characteristics and health status.

[System Message:

Target: Giant Forest Boar - Status: Healthy, Aggressive. Strength: High. Weakness: Slow reaction to lateral movements.]

Horyu turned to Hinata and Shino. "This boar is strong, but it's slow to react sideways. We can use that to our advantage," he explained, his voice calm and strategic.

Hinata nodded, her Byakugan active. "I'll distract it from the front. You two flank it."

Shino released a swarm of insects, ready to assist. "My insects will cover our approach and provide support."

The plan was set. Hinata engaged the boar head-on, her taijutsu skills on full display as she deftly dodged its powerful charges. Shino's insects swarmed around the boar, disorienting it, while Horyu moved in from the side, his chakra sword ready.

With a swift, decisive strike, Horyu landed a critical blow to the boar's side. The creature let out a final roar before collapsing to the ground.

Horyu quickly stored the boar's body in his inventory, faking sealing it in a scroll. "One down, eight to go," he said, turning to his teammates.

The trio moved deeper into the forest, their senses alert for their next target. Soon, Hinata's Byakugan picked up another presence. "There's something ahead. It's large and moving fast."

Horyu soon saw the creature and activated his Observe skill. The System message revealed:

[System Message:

Target: Mountain Panther - Status: Agile, Stealthy. Strength: Moderate. Weakness: Sensitive to loud noises.]

"This one's tricky," Horyu noted. "It's agile and good at hiding. Shino, can your insects create a distraction with noise?"

Shino nodded, releasing a larger swarm. "That's within their capabilities."

As Shino's insects buzzed loudly, creating a cacophony, the panther was lured into the open, its ears twitching in irritation. Hinata took the lead, engaging the panther with swift strikes, her Byakugan guiding her movements.

The panther, although fast, was clearly disoriented by the noise. Seizing the opportunity, Horyu flanked the creature, delivering a powerful blow with Chucky, leaving one breath in creature. Then Shino dealt the final blow, ending the panther's life swiftly.

"We're getting better at this," Horyu remarked, storing the panther's body in his inventory, faking the action of sealing it in a scroll again. "Two down, seven to go."

The trio continued their hunt, moving through the forest with purpose. Their next target, detected by Hinata's Byakugan, was a giant snake, coiled around a tree branch.

[System Message:

Target: Venomous Forest Snake - Status: Poisonous, Sluggish in Cold. Strength: High. Weakness: Vulnerable to cold.]

"It's poisonous," Horyu warned. "We need to be careful. Hinata, keep your distance."

Hinata nodded. The snake was a much easier target than bigger animals. Shino's insects swarmed, restricting its movements further.

Horyu moved in for the injure, his sword slashing through the snake's thick skin with precision then Hinata dealt the finishing blow. "Three down," he said, repeating the process of storing the snake's body.

The group took turns dealing the finishing blow to their targets, each kill a testament to their growing proficiency and teamwork. Their fourth target was a pack of wild dogs. Hinata spotted them first, her Byakugan revealing their positions.

[System Message:

Target: Pack of Wild Dogs - Status: Fast, Pack Hunters. Strength: Moderate. Weakness: Easily distracted by scent.]

"These are pack hunters," Horyu observed. "We'll need to separate them. Shino, can your insects spread a scent to scatter them?"

"Affirmative," Shino replied, directing his insects to execute the plan.

The dogs, lured by the scent, scattered in different directions, allowing the trio to isolate and take them down one by one. Horyu's strikes were calculated and efficient, his experience in combat shining through.

"Our coordination is improving," Horyu said, storing the dogs' bodies. "Seven down, two to go."

The pack had four dogs. With coordinated efficiency, Horyu killed two, while Hinata and Shino took down one each. Horyu, having completed his part of the quest, shifted his focus to assist Hinata and Shino in hunting one more beast each. As they moved deeper into the forest, Horyu's keen eyes scanned their surroundings.

[System Message:

Target: Giant Forest Eagle - Status: High Altitude, Sharp Vision. Strength: High. Weakness: Vulnerable in Close Combat.]

"There's our next target," Horyu whispered, pointing upwards at the giant forest eagle circling above them.

Hinata, following his gaze, nodded. "I'll draw its attention," she said, her Byakugan activated.

Shino readied his insects. "I'll prepare for the close combat phase."

The eagle dived towards them, its talons ready to strike. Hinata, with impressive agility, dodged and counterattacked, her strikes precise and effective. The eagle, disoriented by the attack, flapped its wings frantically, trying to regain altitude.

Horyu leaped into action, his sword slicing through the air. With a swift, decisive blow, he injured the eagle, bringing it crashing down to the ground.

Hinata moved in for the kill, her movements a mixture of grace and strength. "This is for the test," she murmured, her voice tinged with determination.

Shino, observing the scene, turned to Horyu. "One more left," he said, his tone even.

[System Message:

Target: Wild Mountain Gorilla - Status: Extremely Strong, Protective of Territory. Strength: Immense. Weakness: Slow Reaction Speed.]

"There," Horyu pointed to a large figure moving through the trees. "That's our last target."

The gorilla, noticing their presence, beat its chest aggressively, a clear warning to back off. Shino released his insects, creating a diversion, while Hinata prepared for another direct engagement.

The gorilla charged, its massive arms swinging wildly. Horyu and Hinata moved in tandem, evading and countering its attacks. Shino's insects buzzed around the gorilla's head, adding to its confusion.

Horyu delivered a strategic blow, weakening the gorilla and allowing Shino to move in for the final strike. His face remained impassive.

With their tasks completed, Horyu stored the gorilla's body in his inventory. "That's all of them," he announced, his voice was tired.

Hinata, still processing the day's events, looked at Horyu. "We did what we had to do," she said, trying to reassure herself.

Shino nodded, his expression unreadable behind his glasses. "It's the shinobi way," he added, his voice reflecting a deep-seated understanding of their duties.


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