Late Night Attack

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As he looked over his skills, Horyu focused on the Flame Mastery Skill he had acquired long ago. He remembered how he had struggled initially with controlling the sheer intensity of the flames. Now, it was almost second nature, a testament to his dedication and the rigorous training he had imposed on himself.

Almost a year ago, a few months after Horyu left Uzumaki Village, he reached a critical point in his mastery of Fire Release. The system presented him with a pivotal choice: to pick a second element to control or to forgo mastering any other element and achieve an unparalleled level of mastery in Fire Release alone. The system warned him that his natural aptitude for other elements was lacking, and mastering them would be a long, arduous process compared to Fire. After a month of deliberation, Horyu chose to specialize exclusively in Fire. This decision unlocked the "Elemental Interaction" ability, allowing him to convert other elements into Fire and manipulate them at will, and introduced "The 6 Locks of the God of Fire," though none of these formidable abilities were yet within his grasp.

Horyu pondered the descriptions of these locks, each more tantalizing than the last. Though he hadn't unlocked any, just knowing their potential excited him. He sat back, allowing himself a rare moment of anticipation about what he could achieve with these powers.

A few days later, in the middle of the night, Horyu was perched on top of a tree, gazing at the full moon. The morning had seen the arrival of the Cloud's envoy, who sat with Hokage Shisui to discuss a treaty. Horyu had attended the meeting, his sharp eyes noting the Jonin Commander of the Cloud. Something about the situation felt off, and trusting his instincts, he decided to keep watch.

As the village settled into the quiet of the night, a shadowy figure moved stealthily towards the heart of the compound. Horyu's eyes narrowed as he tracked the figure's movements from his high vantage point. The intruder approached a house, the residence of a notable Hyuga family member. Moments later, the figure emerged, a small, struggling form visible inside a hastily closed sack. Horyu's jaw tightened; it was clear what had happened—a kidnapping.

Without hesitation, Horyu leaped from the tree, landing softly on the ground. His steps were silent as he sprinted towards the assailant. As he closed the distance, he drew Chucky, his trusted chakra sword. The blade blazed with fire, casting a fierce glow around him.

"Kidnapping the Princess of Hyuga. Bad move," Horyu stated coldly, his smirk disappearing as his eyes shifted to the three tomoe of his Sharingan.

The assailant, a skilled Jonin from the Cloud, paused and turned, surprise registering briefly on his face before it settled into a mask of determination. "I don't have time for this," the Jonin growled, setting the sack down gently. His stance shifted, preparing for a quick but fierce confrontation.

Horyu charged without another word, the fiery sword swinging in a deadly arc. The Jonin countered, drawing a pair of kunai coated in lightning chakra, the crackling energy meeting Horyu's flame with a sharp hiss.

The two clashed, Chucky's fire clashing against the lightning-infused kunai. Sparks and flames erupted with each contact, illuminating the night. Horyu pushed forward, his attacks precise and relentless, aiming to end the fight quickly.

With a swift slash of his sword, Horyu decisively ended the confrontation, his fiery blade slicing through the neck of the Cloud Jonin, severing it cleanly. Swinging his sword to the side to flick off the blood, he strode over to the sack and opened it, revealing Hanabi, bound and gagged inside.

As he quickly untied her, several figures approached, with Hiashi, Hizashi, and Hinata at the forefront, their expressions a mix of shock and relief. Raising his hand, Horyu unleashed a burst of fire chakra that sent explosions rocketing into the sky. While they appeared random, each blast was a coded message, alerting the village to the immediate danger.

Soon, the echoes of the explosions roused the entire village from sleep, and the area buzzed with activity as shinobi scrambled to their posts. The village was under attack, and every second counted.

"Are you alright, Hanabi?" Horyu asked, keeping his voice calm as he checked for any injuries.

Hanabi nodded, rubbing her wrists where the ropes had been. "Yes, thanks to you. But why would Cloud try to kidnap me?"

Before Horyu could respond, Hiashi arrived, breathing heavily from the run. "Horyu, what happened here?" he demanded, his eyes scanning the scene — the dead Jonin, the exploded signals in the sky, his daughter safe but clearly shaken.

Horyu stood, facing Hiashi squarely. "It seems the Cloud's intentions weren't as peaceful as they claimed. This Jonin was trying to kidnap Hanabi. I intercepted him just in time."

Hiashi's gaze hardened as he turned to look at his daughter, then back at Horyu. "Thank you, Horyu. We owe you her safety."

Hinata and Hizashi joined them, Hinata's concern evident on her face. "Is everyone alright?" she asked, her eyes lingering on Hanabi, then moving to Horyu, seeking reassurance.

"We're fine now, Hinata. Thanks to Horyu," Hanabi replied, managing a small smile despite the night's events.

Hizashi, who had been silent until now, spoke up, his voice carrying a stern undertone. "We need to fortify the village. If Cloud is bold enough to attempt a kidnapping inside the village, they might be planning something bigger."

Horyu nodded in agreement. "We should assume they have other operatives already inside Konoha. We need to sweep the village, check for any more intruders or suspicious activities."

Hiashi gave a firm nod, then turned to his clan members. "Hinata, Hizashi, organize a team. Start with the main entry points and the clan district. Hear my order, Hyuga! Spread to the village, search every corner!"

As the Hyuga clan members dispersed rapidly, carrying out Hiashi's orders with efficiency, Shisui approached the scene, flanked by Hiruzen. Their expressions were grave, reflective of the situation's severity.

"What happened?" Shisui asked directly, his eyes scanning the area for any immediate threats.

Horyu, standing firmly with his usual composure, responded succinctly, "Hokage-sama, a Jonin from the Cloud tried to kidnap Hanabi. I intercepted him. The situation suggests that their intentions might not be as peaceful as their diplomatic approach indicated."

Hiruzen, the village's elder and advisor, stroked his chin thoughtfully. "This is troubling news. It seems we might have underestimated the Cloud's tactics."

Shisui's eyes narrowed. "We need to increase our vigilance. Horyu, organize a team. I want a thorough sweep of the village. Any unusual activity needs to be reported directly."

"Understood, Hokage-sama," Horyu acknowledged with a nod. He turned to Hinata and Hizashi, who were already coordinating the Hyuga's response. "Let's expand the search beyond the clan district. Every sector needs to be checked."

As the operation got underway, the village's atmosphere tensed further. The presence of enemy shinobi so deep within Konoha's walls was a stark reminder of the war's reach and the vulnerabilities even a well-guarded village like Konoha faced.


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