Volume 0: Auxiliary

Before the city became a skeletal remnant of its former self, before the Survival Symphony echoed through its desolate streets, there was a time of normalcy. A time when the city buzzed with life and the symphony of survival was nothing more than an abstract concept. This is the tale of that time, the prologue to the Survival Symphony.

Sin, the solitary figure who would later navigate the dystopian arena, was then just another face in the crowd. He was part of the city's vibrant tapestry, a note in its harmonious symphony. But even then, there was something that set him apart. A resilience, a determination, that would later become his survival instincts.

In the heart of the bustling city, Sin led an ordinary life. But beneath the veneer of normalcy, the seeds of the Survival Symphony were being sown. The city, unbeknownst to its inhabitants, was a ticking time bomb, its demise orchestrated by forces beyond their comprehension.

As Sin navigated the city's labyrinthine streets, he was oblivious to the impending catastrophe. His life was a series of routines, each day a repetition of the last. But within him, a fire was kindling, a resilience was building. A prelude to the symphony of survival that would later define him.

In this time of normalcy, alliances were formed not out of necessity, but out of friendship and camaraderie. Sin's allies were his friends, his confidantes, the people he shared his life with. They were the notes in his personal symphony, the people who added depth and complexity to his melody.

But beneath the surface, the city was changing. The harmonious symphony was slowly turning discordant, its melody becoming a chilling prelude to the Survival Symphony. And Sin, along with his allies, was being unknowingly drawn into the macabre orchestration.

The city, once a vibrant metropolis, was now on the brink of desolation. The symphony of survival was about to commence, its haunting melody about to echo through the city's skeletal remains. And Sin, the solitary figure, was about to step onto the dystopian stage, his journey in the Survival Symphony about to begin.

And so, Volume 0: Auxiliary, sets the stage for the Survival Symphony. It's a glimpse into the past, a prelude to the symphony of survival. It's the story of Sin's ordinary life before it was disrupted by the Survival Symphony, before he became a solitary figure navigating the dystopian arena. It's the story of how Sin became a survivor, a key player in the Survival Symphony. It's the story of how the city became a skeletal remnant of its former self, its streets echoing with the chilling melody of the Survival Symphony.