Chapter 5 - Raising A Flag (1)

After briefing Amon on the details of how she'd supervise the ex-prostitutes in training, I followed her guidance to the supposed best place for doling out punishment. It was tucked away somewhere at the bottom of the establishment. Amon guided me there with graceful steps until we reached a set of stairs leading down. She led me through, and at the bottom, there was a door. She opened it, allowed me to enter, bowed, then promptly left the room, closing the door behind her.

What an obedient maid. I'd have to reward her later...

Now, as I glanced around the room, I couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow." This was undeniably an S&M room. The array of tools left little room for doubt. Strap-ons, handcuffs, dildos scattered here and there, and even a butt plug. This was really a room designed for disciplining someone.

How the hell did Amon procure these tools? Wait a minute, didn't I explain what sex toys were to her? Did Amon assemble all this based on my words? What a genius.

Anyway, now wasn't the time to marvel. I laid the unconscious bandit on the bed, adorned with red sheets, perfectly fitting for an S&M room. Grabbing both of her hands, I placed them over her head. I reached for two leather handcuffs, locking her wrists into them, and then secured the other ends to the headboard. Her hands were now tied in place. I also snagged a leg spreader bar, attaching her ankles to the leather cuffs, then forcibly parting her legs wide open. Escape, in her current state, was a futile endeavor.

After that, I took in her entire form. I couldn't help but lick my lips in anticipation. I'd once fantasized about indulging in some S&M discipline with a woman, but the lack of sex toys in this world had made it seem like just that—a fantasy. Thanks to Amon, though, it seemed like I might finally get the chance to bring that desire to life.

Smirking, I reached for the mask and yanked it off her face. Lo and behold, a beautiful visage was revealed. She sported golden hair, just grazing her shoulders, with a single red streak swept to the right side of her face.

To say she was a beautiful woman would be an understatement. She exuded a captivating sexiness that was hard to ignore.

"If I weren't so busy today, I'd have some fun with this beautiful face and punish it exactly how I want, for as long as I please. Too bad there's something far more important on my plate right now," I said, reaching for her face and tucking the strands of hair that fell over it behind her ear. "So, for now, how about I prepare you for the punishment that's coming later?"

I made my way to where the tools were stashed. Knowing Amon quite well, she should have the necessary equipment for this kind of play. I needed the right gear for this disciplining session. I opened a cabinet nestled in the corner of the room, beside the stockade, a wooden St. Andrew's cross, a wooden horse, and a pillory. Honestly, this room had all the vibes of a torture dungeon. Let's dub it the Dungeon, just for the sake of convenience.

As the cabinet creaked open, my eyes fell on exactly what I was searching for. It was a treasure trove of aphrodisiacs.

I grinned. That demon maid really knows what tickles my fancy.

I snatched a small bottle of aphrodisiac. Despite its size, this stuff packed a punch. If a guy guzzled it down, he could go for up to five rounds without pulling out. For a woman, it would make her clamp her legs around you like a vice grip, her pussy clinging to your dick like it was trying to suck you dry. That's the kind of potent stuff we were dealing with here. And I was about to unleash it on this woman right now.

"You know... this bottle not only amps up sexual arousal but can also drive someone insane if they can't satisfy their carnal desires," I said, as if musing to myself. "In a way, this bottle is a one-way ticket to madness. Sure, they can make the aphrodisiac's effects disappear without actually getting it on. That's where masturbation comes in. However..." I cast a glance at the women who were bound at every limb. She couldn't exactly indulge in self-pleasure in that state. "I wonder what'll happen to someone who can't have sex and can't even use their hands for a good ol' masturbation session?"

The bandit woman quivered ever so slightly on the bed when she heard that. I was well aware she had regained consciousness while I was tying her up, yet she persisted in the guise of playing possum. It appeared she thought I remained oblivious to her awakening, plotting to seize an opportune moment for an unexpected strike.

Little did she know, my guard was perpetually raised. Drawing near, I leaned in with the bottle, aiming the potent aphrodisiac toward her mouth. In a feeble attempt to thwart my advance, she tried to use her head as a weapon, aiming for a collision with mine. But, effortlessly, I sidestepped her assault.

"Oops. Too bad," I grinned, relishing the futility of her effort.

"Tsk," she clicked her tongue, registering her failed maneuver. "So, you know that I've awoken, huh?"

"Yep. I've known all along," I retorted.

"What are you going to do to me?" she demanded, her eyes ablaze with anger. Red eyes, seething with defiance.

"I believe you already know, don't you? You've been privy to my soliloquies this entire time," I remarked.

"I'm telling you right now, if you do something to me, I swear, you'll regret it!"

With her defenses utterly compromised, I seized her by the chin, pinching it with intent. Her mouth, forced open, took on the appearance of a fish gasping for air. My response came with a devilish grin, "I swear to you, I won't regret it."

With a swift motion, I extracted the cork from the bottle using only my thumb. The thick, potent liquid within awaited its deployment. I directed the tip toward her mouth, commencing a deliberate pour. The viscous substance cascaded into her mouth, an unstoppable torrent that she struggled against. Her futile resistance only fueled my determination, ensuring she swallowed down every drop of the aphrodisiac. Initially, she resisted, but as the thick liquid overpowered her, she succumbed, reluctantly swallowing it down.

Finally, I withdrew the bottle, leaving her in a state of violent coughing. As the coughing fit subsided, she shot me a resentful glare, her eyes ablaze with defiance.

"You...!" She tried to jump at me, but being tied up, she couldn't. I just smirked and placed the bottle back where it belonged. Didn't want it too close to her – it could be a way for her to escape. I've seen enough movies to know even something as insignificant as a matchstick could be a ticket out of situations like these. Didn't want to take that chance.

"Well, let's discover your state when I return at midnight," I announced, shutting the closet. As I moved towards the door, I shot her a knowing look. Her breathing had already intensified, and her face was now flushed, courtesy of the potent aphrodisiac. However, beneath the lust, anger still etched her features. I couldn't help but smile at the contradiction.

I faced the door, opened it deliberately, and stepped outside, closing it with a deliberate thud.

Once outside the room, I took a deep breath. "Now then..." I muttered to myself, pulling out my smartphone. Glancing at the time, I saw it was already 1:30 P.M. "Later than my planned time, but still good enough." Time to get the daughter of a duke interested in me.

Just as I was about to slide my phone back into my pocket, it erupted into life, buzzing with urgency. A text message awaited.

"Exact sunset, at the bridge of Tilein. Late will be met with consequences."

This business-like text was from none other than Shredica. I had hoped she'd forget our encounter last night, and I was starting to think that hope might become reality, but this text crushed that expectation.

"Honestly, if she weren't becoming more intriguing, I wouldn't even give her the time of day," I muttered to myself, stowing the phone away and ascending the stairs. Yes, had she not started to unravel as a complex character, she wouldn't register on my radar. She used to be just another dismissible woman, a mere blip on the radar of my interests. But that mindset was now outdated. Perhaps Shredica had depths beyond the surface. That's why, against my initial inclination, I found myself playing along with her.

As I ascended, I noticed the women gathered, absorbed in what Amon was sharing with them. They listened intently, some even jotting down notes. When Amon caught sight of me, she shot a smile my way and waved. The women, however, reacted differently; fear rippled through them as their gazes locked onto me.

It seemed my reputation still struck terror into their hearts, but that was inconsequential for now. There was a specific destination calling my name—the Market City. And that's exactly where I needed to be.