Chapter 10 - The Battle At The Black Market, Part 1 (1)

The entire Silver Blade, except for Miss Sarah, stationed as our vigilant guardian at the hideout, converged in the main room. It was our usual hub for strategy sessions and pre-battle preparations.

Our leader, positioned in the heart of the gathering, commenced addressing the members of the Silver Blade, "Norman Amarathea is cooking up another damned kidnapping scheme, this time in the village of Hertan. Curiously enough, the Academy is set to engage in joint training there next week. While I'd like to chalk it up to mere coincidence, there's a lurking suspicion that Norman has his sights on someone from the Academy," she divulged. "And this ain't your run-of-the-mill kidnapping spree; it's a carefully orchestrated plan to snatch a specific target. The person they're gunning for is the same one Eclipse has been drooling over – an individual outside the royal lineage, yet possessing that precious royal blood. That someone is Charlotte Sierra."