Chapter 12: Joint Training (8)


You've captured the interest of Isiliraiellyn. You can now proceed to dominate her.

Name: Isiliraiellyn Pantagruel

Race: Human-Demon Hybrid

Requirements to dominate Isiliraiellyn:

1. Help Isiliraiellyn Save People Who Are In Danger Five Times (0/5)

2. Unlock

3. Unlock

4. Unlock



The first requirement... it's a little complicated. But I reckon I can manage it down the line...

After a satisfied nod, she loomed over me, hands planted firmly on her curvaceous hips. "Now then, my loyal follower, are you prepared to be my practice partner?"

I mulled it over. Training with her could be quite the experience, and there were no rules forbidding it. In fact, it was even encouraged to spar with others outside your group. Plus, why would I pass up an opportunity like this? So, what's my answer? Let's humor her for now.

"Oh, I'm not sure if I'm worthy enough to be your practice partner."