Chapter 14 - To The Black Market (2)

Artemis's POV

To be honest, I severely underestimated him. But then again, maybe it's not surprising that I did. After all, he's just a young man, likely hasn't seen much of the world yet. His magical prowess was downright abysmal, granted, and he had the physique and stamina of a seasoned fighter (I mean, making two women faint and still standing strong in the nether regions is quite a feat), but it didn't really knock my socks off. I've crossed paths with countless formidable wizards and fighters over the centuries. Compared to them, his skills were rather run-of-the-mill.

Yet, what I failed to grasp was that this young man was a mere eighteen years old, whereas the other greats I've encountered had lived through scores of decades. He hadn't even hit his prime yet, but he already possessed remarkable combat prowess and had a harem of women ready to cater to his every whim.