Chapter 17 - My Older Sister And I (5)

Rose's POV

Irene and I decided to drown her sorrows in alcohol at a nearby bar. My solace. In times like these, the remedy for a shattered heart was the familiar embrace of booze. Or so they say. I, however, had never experienced heartbreak firsthand, so I couldn't be certain. Nevertheless, it seemed like the logical course of action.

"I really thought our chemistry was incredible! And he's everything I've ever wanted in a man!" Irene lamented, her voice slurred from the copious amount of alcohol she had consumed. "But then, when he took me to bed, he was so irresistible... I couldn't resist!"

"W-Wait, so this jerk was just some random guy who happened to rescue you from a harasser, and then you went off and slept with him, even though you barely knew him?" I exclaimed, incredulous. "Are you out of your mind, Irene? He's not even worthy of being called your boyfriend; he's just a man who had a one-night stand with you."