Chapter 18 - Preparation For The King's Game (6)

A ticket could be obtained from a ticket holder through negotiation or coercion. Coercion wasn't just about using words to manipulate; it could involve physical threats or psychological manipulation. Zeruel was the kind of woman who wouldn't back down easily, so physical threats were unlikely. Since the incident occurred in the sanatorium, where Zeruel was most vulnerable, it was likely a psychological tactic. Whoever did this knew Zeruel had the ticket and had researched her weaknesses thoroughly. I had done my own research too, but instead of coercing her, I negotiated with her. I offered to help with her issues in exchange for the ticket.

Whoever these assholes were trying to snatch Zeruel's ticket like this. Since Zeruel's mother was in a coma there, she'd do everything to get out of that burning sanatorium with her. But it seemed whoever did this was blocking her way out.