Chapter 20 - Three Days Before The King's Game, Day 1 (3)

The smug expression on her face was undeniably enticing, almost intoxicating. The thought of how it might change into one of ecstasy if I fucked her crossed my mind, but I had to resist. Even if this hag seemed eager to have sex with me, I couldn't be sure if she was trustworthy. Her true intentions remained a mystery, and she hadn't shown any genuine interest in me yet. It had been a month since she arrived, and still, her motives eluded me. I couldn't understand why she had come here, why she chose to stay, and why she was now demanding sex from me. I needed to tread carefully and gauge her true intentions. The last thing I wanted was to engage in sex with someone who might betray me, whether by stabbing me in the back or resorting to even more nefarious means, like poisoning me through her pussy.

I've seen enough hentai to know that kind of scenario could happen.