Chapter 21 - Three Days Before The King's Game, Day 2 (1)

The following morning.

I found myself in the cemetery, surrounded by countless gravestones. This was the final resting place of many villagers, including the woman who had cared for me like a mother in this world - Sister Eli. She was an elderly woman who had discovered me on the doorstep of the orphanage. It was my clearest memory, the moment of my reincarnation into this world. Sister Eli was the first person I laid eyes on, not my birth mother, nor my sister Elise.

Sister Eli passed away at the age of 75, a peaceful death from natural causes. Sister Lily recounted finding her peacefully sleeping, her breath stilled forever.

I clasped my hands together and offered a prayer to the unknown. Whether there was a god or heaven in this realm remained uncertain, but I felt compelled to send my thoughts to her nonetheless.