Chapter 21 - Three Days Before The King's Game, Day 2 (7)

"W-W-What do you mean?" stammered Irene, her words stumbling. "I-I have no idea what you're talking about."

Her gaze repeatedly met mine, silently questioning whether I had disclosed anything to Gabrielle. I had promised her confidentiality, and I hadn't betrayed that trust. Well, perhaps in a roundabout way I had, but since Gabrielle discovered it independently, it didn't really constitute a breach, did it?

"Don't play the fool, Irene. I'm aware of your actions," Gabrielle asserted. "Don't fret. Leon didn't divulge anything to me. I uncovered it on my own."

"H-How?" inquired Irene.

"Well, even though we drifted apart after that graduation incident, I'm well acquainted with your habits, Irene," Gabrielle remarked. "When you arrived at work that day, I noticed your peculiar crab-like walk. And ever since, your gaze seems fixated on Leon. Did you think I wouldn't catch on to that?"