Chapter 22 - Three Days Before The King's Game, Day 3 (5)

Leon's POV

We were observing the two of them, Shredica and Hereon, from a distance, hidden by my Illusion Magic so they wouldn't notice us. Despite the distance, we could still catch snippets of their conversation, thanks to the quiet surroundings.

"It seems like Shreddy's got him hooked, Leon," Titania whispered, poking her head out from behind the bush where we were hiding.

I had to admit, things seemed to be going smoothly. I had anticipated Hereon being more stubborn, but it seemed his infatuation with Shredica was working in our favor. I just hoped Shredica didn't mess things up.

Titania grinned mischievously at me. "You're more cunning than I give you credit for, Leon."

"Why do you say that?" I asked innocently.

"Don't play dumb," she chuckled. "You used Hereon's feelings for Shreddy to rope him in, didn't you?"