Chapter 24 - The Pieces Are Moving (3)

"Can you handle it?" Gaspard inquired.

"Of course," I replied confidently. "Taking out two brats is a walk in the park. But, I won't be the one doing the dirty work directly. I'll assign someone."

Gaspard raised an eyebrow. "Is this person trustworthy?"

"Trustworthiness isn't her strong suit. A few scraps of meat, and she'll do whatever you ask. She'd even betray her own kin for a morsel. You've probably encountered her before, in the royal throne room."

Gaspard pondered for a moment, trying to recall who I was referring to.

"I'm considering Sword Saint Whitlock, but I doubt someone as righteous as him would agree to kill two skillless brats at your behest. It's unlikely to be someone from the Magic Knights either... The only person I can think of is the King's executioner," Gaspard pondered aloud.

I grinned, and Gaspard's eyes widened in shock.

"Seriously? You've managed to tame that mentally deranged woman?" he exclaimed.