Chapter 25 - King's Game, Part 1 (3)

For every vision she had, I was always there. It meant I was present when Princess Myrcella was killed. Perhaps I tried to save her, but how did she still end up dead? I wasn't overly confident in my ability to defend her, but I had some faith in myself. This implied whoever was going to kill her must have been exceptionally powerful.

"Can you provide more details?" I inquired. "If you want to prevent that future from becoming reality, you need to give me more information, don't you think?"

Hertrude locked eyes with me, then closed them briefly, taking a deep breath before reopening them. "Okay," she finally said.

With that, she proceeded to recount everything she had seen in the vision. Every detail.

The vision began at the dock, followed by me posing a question to her, then the others failing to return on time, despite the night having fallen.