Chapter 26 - King's Game, Part 2 (2)

Shredica's POV

It was odd... I felt like I was drifting somehow. What was this... feeling?

As I opened my eyes, I found myself in a completely unfamiliar setting. It seemed familiar, yet everything about it was different. Where was I? Glancing around, I realized I was in a classroom, and the seat next to me sat empty.

Initially, I thought perhaps it was the academy classroom, but it wasn't. Everyone here had black hair and black eyes. Well, there were a few blondes, but it was obvious their hair was dyed.

While I surveyed the room, I caught the gaze of one of the dyed blondes. No, she wasn't looking at me, but at the empty seat beside me. There was a hint of sadness in her expression...

For some strange reason, I felt like I knew that woman... even though that was impossible. It was my first time seeing her. Who was she?