Chapter 26 - King's Game, Part 2 (5)

We locked eyes once again, this time holding each other's gaze for an extended period. No words were exchanged, just an intense stare-down. However, we weren't simply idling by. I was channeling more mana into my mana blade, concentrating it to an unprecedented level, while she was swirling her mana in a potent manner, creating a barrier of force around her that made it nearly impossible to approach without feeling its full impact.

If this were a formal duel, the crowd would undoubtedly erupt into cheers, with all bets favoring her victory. But this wasn't a duel, not in the traditional sense.

With my mana blade now highly concentrated and emitting a powerful aura, causing my hair to billow in the pressure, I assumed a sideways stance at mid-height. Meanwhile, she kept her right hand close to her body, holding her blade horizontally, poised and ready for whatever came next.