Chapter 27 - King's Game, Part 3 (3)

Leon's POV

As we made our way back to base, a deafening explosion shattered the air.

"Leon..." Hertrude's voice trailed off as she looked up, her gaze drawn to the source of the disturbance. Following her line of sight, I beheld a massive mushroom-shaped flame rising into the sky, illuminating the area with a brilliant flash. A wave of searing heat and blinding light swept across the ground. It felt like a nuke had just been detonated.

The devastation of the inferno reached us, engulfing the surrounding area and incinerating everything in its path. Trees crumbled into charred remnants before my eyes, consumed by the relentless power of the magic. I quickly activated Guardian to shield us from the onslaught. The protective barrier endured the intense heat and the force of the shockwave without faltering.

Once the wave of destruction had passed, I glanced back at the epicenter of the explosion, where a colossal mushroom cloud now loomed overhead.