Chapter 31 - The Downfall of Duke Sierra (3)

Charlotte's POV

Earl Teliu's eyes bore into me like a hawk about to strike its prey, sharp and unrelenting. His massive, misshapen body and bulging belly were a horrifying sight. But that lecherous grin of his? It was the most disturbing thing I had ever seen. Yet, even that wasn't as bad as what dangled between his legs. His member. I'd never seen one before, but I could instantly tell it was far from average. You couldn't even say it was below average—it was almost hidden beneath the rolls of fat. The sight of it, barely visible, was utterly terrifying, nonetheless.

I trembled at the sight, fear gripping me.

"I love women who tremble like this. It makes me want to fuck them even more," Earl Teliu said, his voice oozing with malicious delight. "Gordon, why don't you join in and taste your own daughter? How does that sound?" He glanced at my father with a wicked smirk.