Chapter 33 - Idol Debut (3)

The concert had started, and I was pissed because I wasn't there to witness it thanks to my job. This really sucked. My frustration made me rougher than necessary with the man I was dragging across the floor.

"P-Please, wh-what have I done to deserve this kind of treatment?!" he screamed.

"Sorry, but you're under suspicion and need to be questioned," I replied. "You should have hidden that tattoo better."

"Tattoo? Which one? Don't tell me you think I'm a cult or terrorist member just because of a tattoo?"

"My intuition is telling me you're up to something bad. So no matter how unreasonable it seems, my suspicion stands."

"You're telling me you grabbed me because of something as stupid as a woman's intuition? Come on, you can't be serious! I paid with my own money to be here and watch the idols' first appearance! And now, because of a woman's intuition, I miss it and waste my money?!"

"You can yap all you want. I don't care."