Chapter 36 - The Kingdom Of Elves (5)

I had no idea who could have sparked the war, of course. I wasn't born in that era. But if I had to guess...

"Lilith," I said, my gaze fixed on the portrait of the black-haired woman. She seemed to be the central figure in the murals, so it made sense to point to her as the catalyst for this war. And this woman... was no doubt Lilith.

It wasn't a question of what or why. It was a question of who.

Solaris nodded. "That's right. Lilith, or Eclair as she's also known, is the cause of the war," she said. "I don't know the reason, though. Mother never told me anything about that."

"I see..."

"Lilith in that era was a daughter of demons," she explained, her voice carrying an air of ancient knowledge. "She met her end back then, and later she was reincarnated as Lilith again, this time born to human parents."

"So that's why I have humans in my blood too, huh?" I mused, connecting the dots.