Chapter 40 - Journey Back (5)

Leon's POV

The journey out of the Great Forest turned out to be surprisingly smooth, with the Treants no longer obstructing our path or causing us to lose our way. Maybe my defeat of the three Dryad leaders earned me a bit of favor—if that's what it took to get us out without further hassle, then so be it.

Our traveling group had a new addition: Aegis. She still wasn't talking. Maybe she was struggling to accept that she'd be living with me, especially since I'm a guy and I "stole" her Princess. Whatever the reason, she kept her silence as we walked together.

Finally, after what felt like an endless stretch of forest, we emerged into the open air. It didn't take long to find Maya—she was camped out just beyond the forest's edge. Her tent was set up behind her, and she was busy cooking something over a crackling fire. 

"Your Majesty..." Aegis's voice was tense as she braced herself for battle, her grip tightening on her spear.