Chapter 49 - Charlotte And Sesillian (1)

Charlotte's POV

I hit the ground hard, landing on my butt as the slap rang out, echoing off the walls of the alley beside one of the academy buildings.

"You're nothing now, so why the hell are you still strutting around like you're all high and mighty?" one of the girls demanded, her face twisted with contempt as she towered over me. "Why don't you just slink into a corner and keep your face hidden, like the trash you've become?"

"She's still clinging to the illusion of power and status that she no longer has," another girl scoffed, her voice dripping with disdain. "Just look at her. She still can't grasp that she's a useless nobody now."

"She's right. And she's still running to Professor Sesillian for help, like she's some fucking damsel in distress. Still trying to play the princess she no longer is. I can't believe her audacity," another one sneered, her words dripping with venom.