Chapter 55 - Physical Exam (3)

Johanne's POV

It hit me out of nowhere, without any warning. A sharp, excruciating pain shot through my lower abdomen, so intense that it made standing almost impossible. This torment came every month, and I still had no idea why. I had seen good doctors, but none of them found anything wrong with me. Month after month, the pain returned, and even the doctors were baffled. I couldn't help but wonder if it was some kind of incurable disease, or maybe something that hadn't been discovered yet. All I knew was that it hurt like hell.

Gritting my teeth, I forced myself to stand up. The evaluator was talking to me, and I could see his lips moving, asking if I was okay. But I couldn't hear a thing. There was a loud ringing in my ears, drowning out everything else. I told him I was okay, that I could keep going. Though, I wasn't even sure if those words actually left my mouth.